Finding Success in the Failures

the princess and the b Jun 13, 2022

We’ve all heard that failure is a part of success, but how do you find success through failure? What lessons from failure do you need to learn to finally find success? How can you adopt a failure mindset and start failing forward fast?

Recently I had a pretty awesome failure - one that in my industry you don’t talk about.

Many people in the coaching industry LOVE to share about their million-dollar launches, and honestly, I am genuinely happy for them.

But, as my mentor, James Wedmore taught me - success is a crappy teacher.

We learn so much more from our failures.

And so often when we hear about those ginormous launches that go so well, we forget that most likely before that launch there were multiple “failures” along the way that didn’t turn out so praise-worthy for the Instagram page.

Honestly, this is a pattern I intend on stopping.

Why? Because when we see those epic launches and success, it’s very easy to think “Oh good for thee, but not for...

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This is binge-worthy.

the princess and the b Jun 09, 2022

When I first started Crown Yourself, it had nothing to do with building your empire or having a legacy-worthy business or gaining visibility through podcasting - though Queens do ALL of that and then some.

It started with an idea that you can create a BODY and LIFE that rules by your rule, as Queen.

For me, it was my body that started everything.

My body was my first learning landscape of personal development.

Through my own 10-year battle with bulimia, I crowned myself when I was 21 with the deep-intrinsic knowing that only can be known when YOU are truly known to yourself.

And at that moment I finally felt FREEDOM!

True, deep, lasting freedom that completely transformed my life - and I’ve never looked back.

I love my body unconditionally, through pregnancies, and injuries, whether robust with postpartum goddess curves or toned with marathon-lean muscles. It doesn’t matter the form. It’s pure love.

I had to re-learn that through my financial and business journey...

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Have Great Podcast Business Management

queen tv May 26, 2022

Have Great Podcast Business Management




Discover how to profit from guest podcasting with step-by-step business management guides inside of 8-weeks of Communication Queens:

Have you started podcasting but are struggling with managing everything?  In this episode of Queen TV, I will share some tips for you to learn how to have great podcast business management.

#PodcastingTips #BusinessStrategy #Podcasting101



Podcasting Queen



  Make sure to join our Communication Queens program to learn how to profit from podcasting:

  Join our FREE Crown Yourself Community on Facebook:



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How to Start a Podcast and Make Money

queen tv May 23, 2022

How to Start a Podcast and Make Money




Do you want to start making money by podcasting? In this episode of Queen TV, I will give you some tips on how to start a podcast and make money from your podcast even if you have a small audience.


#PodcastBeginner #MakeMoney #SalesStrategy



Podcasting Queen



  Stand out and build your brand, join Communication Queens to learn how to profit from podcasting here:

  Join our FREE Crown Yourself Community on Facebook:




  Podcast Marketing: How to Easily Grow Your Audience in the Thousands and Make a Lasting Impact with Your Brand by Daniel Larson ...

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When Should I Start a Podcast for My Business?

queen tv May 19, 2022

When Should I Start a Podcast for My Business?

Have you ever delayed on an idea? Maybe you are right now?

Back in 2017, I had the idea for The Princess and the B podcast.

I felt inspired by the title because back then, I didn’t feel AT ALL like the Queen I feel like today (talk about growth, right?)

But, I was new to actually make money in my business…and I was a new mom.

And, frankly, I didn’t have the cash flow or bandwidth to start a podcast.

Fast forward later to 2019, I was a part of a podcast mastermind where I was the only one…without a podcast!

Talk about Imposter Syndrome - ha!

I had no choice. I had to rise to my next level. And so I did.

In 2019 we launched The Princess and the B podcast! Huzzah.

Now, over 170+ episodes later, I still love having a podcast. I love the community it has helped me connect with over the years. I love the medium of podcasting and the intimacy of communication that I get to have with you.

The thing is, when we...

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Sir Mixalot would be proud

the princess and the b May 17, 2022

Ever had a conversation that went like this…

“You did a great job, but…”

“That was wonderful, but…”

“I love you, but…”


Whether it’s on a podcast interview, in a conversation with your partner, or while on a sales conversation with your customer, a “but” is a wicked weapon that, when used appropriately can wield powerful influence.

However, most people don’t use “but” effectively.

While butts are beautiful and should be well appreciated…

When a “but’ butts into your language, it can put a dent in your ability to influence and persuade.

Learning when, where, and how to use the word “but” effectively will transform your ability to communicate what you want, WITHOUT the other person getting defensive, on guard, or put off by your linguistic booty getting in the way...which is EXACTLY what I show you how to do in this podcast episode.

Click here to...

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Podcasting Zone of Genius vs. Podcasting Zone of Excellence

queen tv May 16, 2022

Podcasting Zone of Genius vs. Podcasting Zone of Excellence

This week is a very special week because, on May 20, Communication Queens opens for enrollment.

And we’re celebrating you with an entire 10 days of epic podcasting content.

Whether you already have a podcast of your own, your want to be a guest on other people’s podcasts or you want to learn more about how you can use podcasting as a powerful customer generation strategy, EVERY DAY I’ll be delivering FREE content on Queen TV to show you how.

Today we’re breaking down your podcasting Zone of Genius.

Having coached business owners for the past 5 years, I have seen a DIRECT correlation between the amount of MONEY a business owner is making and the amount of TIME she spends in her Zone of Genius.

NOTICE: I did NOT say the amount of time she spends working IN her business. In fact - and this is going to seem quite counterintuitive to your programming - I’ve seen more business owners make MORE money...

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Why Your Podcast isn't Making Money (but You're ALWAYS BUSY!)

queen tv May 16, 2022

Why Your Podcast isn't Making Money (but You're ALWAYS BUSY!)

Spinning your wheels. Throwing spaghetti against a wall. Producing and putting things out there…AND…


And while crickets suck when it comes to your marketing…

It’s even worse when the crickets don’t CONVERT into sweet sweet dollars in your bank account.

Here’s the thing:

I have seen a direct correlation between the amount of income a business owner is making and the amount of time she is spending in her Zone of Genius.

So when you start a podcast, you’re adding multiple different roles into your business: editor, producer, distributor, marketer.

Podcasts can be a fantastic way to build community.

They can also be a giant time-suck AWAY from you operating in your Zone of Genius.

In this episode of Queen TV, I’m not only going to share monetization strategies to help your podcast make more money, but I’ll also be breaking down why your podcast isn't...

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If you’re going to build it, build it to last.

Uncategorized May 12, 2022

Short-term thinking is expensive. So many new business owners, and especially new coaches, are out there grasping at straws for the latest marketing tactic, always on the grind for their next client…

But few really stop the immediate money-making hustle to $10K months to think about what will their business look like in 3…5…10 years?

And much to their detriment. For if you aren’t making time NOW to build the business you want to build, what makes y0ou think that you’ll have the business you want when you reach

Just because your business is doing a certain amount of income per month does not a dream business makes.

In fact, in most cases, from what I’ve seen having coached leaders in all different industries for the past 5 years…

That dream of that business that gives you freedom can turn into a nightmare if you haven’t built it with a long-term vision in mind.

Building a business to last that supports take a longevity mindset,...

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Start Your Own Podcast vs. Be a Podcast Guest

queen tv May 10, 2022

 Start Your Own Podcast vs. Be a Podcast Guest

I’ve worked with a lot of clients in a lot of industries, at a lot of different stages in their businesses over the past 5 years. And ALL of them…and I do mean…ALL of them have wanted to make a bigger impact.

(I only attract the mission-minded, purpose-driven leaders, after all…that’s why YOU’RE here. )

Naturally, having a podcast to help build your brand, so that you can have a platform to reach the masses is incredibly appealing!

But…this is where I see sooo many business owners stumble and fumble.

Because in order to have a podcast, you have to either…

Have a team that can support you in doing #allthethings required to consistently produce episodes
Dedicate a significant amount of time/energy/resources to doing the podcast AND growing your audience

And if you start your podcast at the wrong time in your business, it can be much more of a time-suck than a brand builder.

Now, I...

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