Transforming Consciousness: Detaching with Love for Personal and Parental Growth


I'm Kimberly Spencer, your host of Crown Yourself podcast, and I'm thrilled to share with you some insights from my latest episode. This one is a deeply personal journey, a tale of transformation, love, and the profound impact of motherhood.


The Birth of a Mother: My son Declan has been a phenomenal force in my life. His arrival not only birthed him into the world but also birthed me into a deeper sense of motherhood. It's a magical bond that has the power to transmute and transform.

Love vs. Attachment: This episode delves into the difference between love and attachment. Detachment doesn't mean not loving, but rather freeing ourselves from the energy that binds us to others. It's a concept inspired by Buddha's teaching that the root of suffering is attachment.

Facing Fears and Challenges: As a new mother, I faced my share of fears and challenges, including a potential diagnosis for Declan. This journey led me to healing and growth, and I'm excited to share...

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Jan “JOY” Hoath's Inspiring Journey: From Cancer Scare to Embracing Joy


I'm thrilled to share with you the latest episode of our podcast where we had the pleasure of hosting Jan “JOY” Hoath, the "Queen of Joy". This episode is a deep dive into the essence of joy, and how it can be found even in the darkest corners of our lives.


Here are some key takeaways:


  • The Depths of Joy: Jan and I discussed the importance of experiencing pain and suffering to truly appreciate and cultivate joy. It's not about the joy we have at the end, but the joy we cultivate throughout our journey.


  • Froot Loop Moments: Jan shared a touching story about her son's cancer scare and how a simple act of ordering Froot Loops brought them joy amidst fear and uncertainty. It's a reminder that joy can be found in the smallest of moments.


  • Taking Ownership: We discussed the power of taking responsibility for our experiences and outcomes. It's not about blaming ourselves, but recognizing that we have the ability to choose how we respond...
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The Marathon Mindset: How to Overcome Self-Doubt and Push Through the Finish Line

crown yourself podcast Jul 25, 2023


While the rest of the world may be seeing your highlight reel and your smiles and your good side - even if you post about the challenges you’ve faced - no one really knows what you go through.


Not really. 


…Not unless they are with you day after day watching you put in the miles of hard work, diligence, effort, love, sacrifice, joy, pleasure, and facing your pain, your heart, your challenges, and those moments when you are your most courageous self.


Doing hard things.


I can't think of a better metaphor for life, business, and our current times, actually, than marathon running.


And after 26,2 miles and countless hours of training mid-move, I am honored to finally bring this episode forth to, hopefully, shave a few miles off of your route.


Here's a sneak peek into what you can expect:


‍The Marathon Metaphor: I discuss how marathon running serves as a metaphor for taking on challenges and persevering until...

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Laughing Through Adversity: Jen Coken's Hilarious Take on Life and Cancer

crown yourself podcast Jul 19, 2023


Imagine a pandemic, business meltdown, and cancer…at the same time…and still being able to have a sense of humor through it all. Well, that is my guest in a delightful nut-shell on the Crown Yourself podcast.

For Jen Coken, humor was her North Star, along with a clear set of principles that have taken her from boobs to bust and bouncing back better than ever…with a movie!

I am so honored to pull this podcast episode from the archives and bring it forth into the beautiful renewed light of transformation that happens when you can laugh at the devil and reveal your true power - resilient AF and gloriously gritty.

Jen’s journey is a testament to the power of resilience and grit, and I'm excited to share some of the key takeaways from our conversation: 

  • The Power of Connection: Our paths crossed through a group called the Dames, and it was there that we exchanged our big asks. While I couldn't connect Jen to Oprah, I did manage to connect her to a...
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Embracing Initiations: How Shifts in Identity Lead to Personal Growth and Sovereignty


Long ago, in ancient cultures, rites of passage were performed for various transformations. You're probably familiar with the ones for birth, death, and weddings...but what about those everyday challenges? Business challenges? 

Here's the thing...

It's not a challenge. It's an initiation. 

These past 6-months, moving - again - just this time, into our dream home, I have faced one of the greatest initiations of my life as we have settled into a whole new level.

In this episode, I explore how initiations are not just limited to secret societies or occult practices but are deeply woven into our everyday lives.

From becoming a first-time parent to hitting a new income level in business, each initiation marks the beginning of something new and often involves challenges and discomfort. But, it's through these initiations that we grow, transform, and claim sovereignty over our lives.

Here are some key takeaways from the episode:

  • The Power of Initiations: Initiations...
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Don’t buy the habit lie.

Uncategorized Feb 12, 2023

Over the past year, between all the packing, unpacking, children, grief-processing, travel, and fun of the ups and downs, time had shifted. I had shifted. I had transformed from being an early bird - up with the sun, work out complete, kick butt start to the day - to a night owl. I spent my nights in the quiet solitude of my thoughtful reflection, feeling everything deeply - because, as my breath work mentor Gitan states in his book, you gotta Feel to Heal. 


At least for me, nights are best for deep feelings, creativity, and healing. Mornings, for me, are best for action, ambition, and the discipline of consistent creation. 


Not that one or the other was bad, or right or wrong. 


But, when I looked into the future and saw what is literally on the horizon for me, my travel plans (bananas), my kids' schedules, and our businesses, I knew that staying a night owl wasn’t a sustainable model for all that I desire to create this year. 



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It’s FEBRUARY? Already…

Uncategorized Jan 31, 2023

I know…it’s been a hot minute. I’ll admit it, even for me to go this long without writing has been…well..creatively depleting, to say the least. I have found comfort in the joy of the posts on Facebook and occasionally on Instagram when a moment of inspiration has struck within the hours of the day.


Is it a sustainable business model? I certainly wouldn’t recommend my present level of content production if you were just starting out.


But if you’ve spent the past 7 years building up personal relationships, cultivating epic referrals, and loving on your past clients, you definitely can take a content pause for a quarter (or a month more.)


That being said…


And to quote Eminem…


Guess who’s back. Back again.


These past three months have been CHALLENGING, to say the least.


And yet, as you know me, I always believe they are happening FOR me, not TO me.


So when I had a...

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Claim Your Power And Get Your Brand Visible From Guest Podcasting

the princess and the b Nov 09, 2022

Ever had a conversation that went like this…

"We love what you do, but…"

"We love your energy, but…"

"I think you are doing great, but…" 


Whether on a podcast interview, a cold email, a conversation with a potential client, or a sales conversation with your partner, children, or team, have you struggled with not being ready to give things a go from fear of rejection? Have you lost your confidence because you had gotten too many "but"...

Have you struggled with finding people you align with and reaching people who will say yes to you and your business?

Guest Podcasting is the action you need to transform your life, build your confidence and become a success in every part of your business and personal life.

When you set your vision to what you want, you maximize the possibilities of getting it right.  The guest podcasting format is a game changer that gives us the ability to approach our life,  spread positive energy, and create much more...

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Become a 6-Figure Queen-B(usiness)

the princess and the b Oct 19, 2022


Have you always wanted to run your own business but you remain in that corporate job because you think building a business is too hard? Well, you are not alone. 


Maybe you already started your business but you are still struggling and building your business to a 6-figure, 7-figure, and beyond still feels like a hard nut to crack.


Truth is, Building a 6-figure business doesn't have to be complex. In fact, it's easy breezy.

Most new business owners lack experience but are eager to make $10,000 a month. They focus on the outward appearance of their business rather than how it will improve their clients' lives.  They sometimes invest so much in the wrong strategies and lose money and gradually no longer believe in themselves and their ability to build a 6-figure business. 


Deb Boulanger made the leap from corporate to entrepreneurial after hitting a reset,  got divorced and left her job as an expert in product development, started taking...

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Your Recession Proof Mindset Solution

the princess and the b Sep 21, 2022

I’m baaaaaaaacck.


Because just like Wonder Woman, when duty calls - and my duty is to shift the problematic perceptions that cause poor outcomes into a translation of magic vision, possibility, and actual results -


I must answer. 


After a brief summer content-hiatus where I immersed in deepening my understanding of the unconscious mind, healing from the past year’s trauma,  transforming mediocre projections into massive magical action, traveling to Vegas and back to Vegas and back again, hiring new team members, raising two growing boys, and…oh yeah…launching our podcasting guesting agency, Communication Queens


I felt the call for content again.


And not just any ol’ mediocre content - 


Because you know I would NEVER serve you a dose of average (this world has far too much of that as it is )


But…in the vein of how I’ve  been described by more than one client:


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