Time to Upgrade: Vibrational Healing the World with Dr. Alison J. Kay


OMG! OMG! OMG! We freaking did a 9900% upgrade, transformation, and quantum leap with this podcast…soaring to our first 20,000 downloads PER EPISODE!! My head is still spinning. And our one after that is at nearly 10,000 and climbing! 


Listen to the Latest Episode Here


I don’t know about you, but these past 4 months pre-birthday were absolutely brutal. It required a whole new level of me to be birthed through the darkness, grief, and disillusionment that I never thought I would face after manifesting a dream - our new home. 


In hindsight, while I’m not surprised, I am reminded of one of my favorite musicals, Into the Woods, where in the first act everyone gets everything they ever wanted…and then there is the second act.


The reality of maintaining a new level, a new upgrade, and a new life, seeps in.


But here’s the magic that happens when the arrow in the quiver gets pulled back just a hair further...

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Explore the Power of Generational Wealth and its Impact

crown yourself podcast Sep 13, 2023


Please enjoy this transcript of the Crown Yourself Podcast, with your host, transformational story coach, Kimberly Spencer (@Kimberly.Spencer)

In this episode of the Crown Yourself podcast, host Kimberly Spencer explores the concept of generational wealth and its importance. She shares personal experiences and reflections on the topic, as well as insights from an interview with Billy Carson. The episode aims to inspire listeners to think about their own wealth and how they can plan for future generations. Kimberly emphasizes the significance of breaking generational patterns and changing the DNA of financial generations. She encourages listeners to imagine the financial legacy they want to create and how it can positively impact their children, grandchildren, and beyond.

*Transcripts may contain typos. We do our best to catch any human or robot errors prior to release. And we thank you in advance for your understanding. Enjoy!

Listen to the episode on Apple Podcasts, Spotify...

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SPECIAL BIRTHDAY EPISODE - How Can We Challenge Our Own Belief Systems?


I'm Kimberly Spencer, your host of Crown Yourself podcast, and I'm thrilled to share some exciting insights from our latest episode. It's my birthday, and I'm celebrating by stepping into my most sovereign self, I invite you to do the same!


Embrace Your Sovereign Self Birthdays are a perfect time to show up as the best version of ourselves. I'm grateful for your support in growing our podcast, and I'm excited to guide you on this journey of becoming conscious creators and leaders in your lives.

Challenge Your Beliefs Our beliefs don't define us; they're strategies that have served us at certain times. I've shared my evolving beliefs, and I commend you for being open to challenging your own belief systems. It's a journey of self-discovery that's worth embarking on!

Examine Your True Desires Often, we say we want something, but it may not align with our true desires. It's crucial to examine what you genuinely want, free from societal expectations. Are your goals...

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Holistic solutions for healing with Dr. Isabel Bertran


Have you experienced the rush of heat, the spark, the fire that comes with anxiety? Are you looking for ways to find your calm, cool off, and just breathe? It is always great to seek professional help but it's also great to be healed completely if only we know how to.



Tune in and listen to this power-packed episode of The Princess and The B, where Dr. Isabel Bertran describes how the food we eat triggers our hormones and disrupts us from living happily and clearly.  She also shows us how to be in control of our anxiety and depression.  

Dr. Isabel started out her journey as a Family Practice Doctor in the United States but moved with her husband to New Zealand at age 40 to switch her practice from disease management to healing through functional medicine. She got retrained in functional medicine, quit private practice, and started “Doctor on a Mission” to help prevent and reverse disease and give people...

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Prioritizing Mental and Physical Health for Resilience and Success


I'm Kimberly Spencer, host of Crown Yourself podcast. I'm thrilled to share with you some of the most profound lessons, ideas, and curiosities from my recent episode. I hope these insights spark your curiosity and inspire you to join me on this journey of self-discovery and growth.

The Tower Moment: I recently experienced a significant life change, a "tower moment," which led to emotional, hormonal, and physical challenges. It was a time of shedding old beliefs and embracing a new identity. It was uncomfortable, but it lightened my load and allowed for personal growth and transformation.

‍ The Power of Manifestation: Despite our human experiences and challenges, we all possess a divine power. It's about recognizing this power within us and seeking guidance from our higher selves.

Embracing Humanity: Even successful individuals face fears, anxieties, and doubts. It's essential to address mental health and subconscious programming. I've learned to normalize the ebbs and...

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The Power of Love Languages in Relationships with Charise Freeman


No rule book says you can't be your child's friend. Why is this still a debate? You must create an environment where your child can share and talk to you. Nobody is free to speak up in an unfriendly environment, which is the same with kids.


In today's society, with our awareness about traumas, mental health, and its triggers, I say yes to being your child's friend, yes to being a parent! They are not two separate things; they are one! If you practice gentle parenting that comes with tender loving care, you realize that you are already friends with your child. 


In this episode of The Princess and the B, Charise Freeman, an Air Force veteran and abuse survivor who left the Air Force to build a stronger relationship with her daughter and is now helping parents create healthy relationships with their children, shares tips for growing a healthy relationship with your kids. You get the subconscious strategies to shift to living in alignment so that you show up...

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Unlocking the Secrets of Manifestation: Kimberly Spencer's Journey to Her Dream Home


I'm Kimberly Spencer, your host at the Crown Yourself podcast, and today I'm thrilled to share a personal journey that's close to my heart. It's a story of dreams, determination, and the power of collective intention.

Just a year ago, my family and I were house hunting, imagining the possibilities each property held. Little did we know, our dream home was just around the corner. This journey wasn't without its challenges, but we held onto our vision, and I'm excited to share how it all unfolded.

Key Lessons:

  • The Power of Collective Intention: My husband, my mom, and I all played a part in manifesting our dream home. It's a testament to the power of collective thought and intention. When we're clear and specific about what we want, the universe listens.
  • The Importance of Boundaries: We faced a volatile broker and were even accused of being lazy. But we held our boundaries, refused to risk losing a significant amount of money for an arbitrary deadline, and trusted...
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Embracing Your Inner Challenger: How Disrupting the Norm Can Lead to Success with Cami Travis-Groves


I'm Kimberly Spencer, your host at Crown Yourself podcast, and I'm thrilled to share some exciting insights from our latest episode. We had the pleasure of hosting Cami Travis-Groves, a transformational coach and founder of The Freelance CEO, who shared her wisdom on transformational coaching and the power of good juju in businesses.


Here are some key takeaways:


Unlocking Breakthroughs: We discussed how breakthroughs are like unlocking a safe, where surface-level limiting beliefs are like a piggy bank that can easily be opened, while core beliefs require more effort to unlock.

Good Juju in Business: Cami explained that good juju is another word for love, and love has a place in business. It's about bringing positivity and warmth into your work environment.

Embrace Vulnerability and Curiosity: We highlighted the importance of vulnerability and curiosity in personal growth and manifestation. Embracing failure and practicing new things can lead to growth and...

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Surviving the Winter: How to Thrive in Challenging Business Seasons


I'm excited to share some insights from our latest podcast episode, where we explored the concept of understanding the seasons of your life and business.


Nature's Seasons as Life's Metaphor: Just as nature has its seasons, so do our bodies, businesses, and relationships. Winter is a time for rest, spring for growth, summer for passion, and autumn for reaping rewards. Recognizing and embracing the season you're in is key to navigating life's ups and downs.

Personal Journey: I shared my postpartum journey, a winter season of rest and repair, followed by a spring of growth and passion. This personal experience highlighted the importance of acknowledging and honoring our body's seasons.

Business Seasons: The same concept applies to our careers and businesses. A break from a corporate job can be a winter season, while actively pursuing new opportunities can be a summer season.

Winter in Business: Winter can feel destructive and challenging, but surviving it can lead to...

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Unleashing Your Inner Multi-Passionate Entrepreneur with Boyd Petersen


Have you ever wondered how you can “do it all”? Do you have so many different roles and possibilities - author, speaker, coach, mentor, investor, artist - and don’t know how to “niche down?”

Then I am thrilled for you to listen to this episode with the multi-passionate entrepreneur, Boyd Petersen. Boyd is not only a business profit coach & magazine owner, but also a children's book author, a sci-fi author, and the founder of a social media agency!


Here are some key takeaways you’ll get from this convo:


Balancing Multiple Passions: Discover how you can allocate time for each passion with Boyd’s system of time blocking for your creative pursuits. 

The Journey to Becoming a Best-Selling Author: With six business books and two fiction books under his belt, Boyd shares his secrets to delivering multiple book babies with consistency. 

‍‍ The Power of Community: Learn how you can leverage your social...

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