Your Body Knows Before Your Brain Does

Uncategorized Mar 16, 2021

Have you ever had that GUT sensation that felt like a warning...and you didn’t listen? 

It’s like watching a suspenseful horror movie and you KNOW not to go through that door. Maybe you even scream at the screen - but still, the character goes in...and, well, you KNOW what happens. ‍

How many times has your “gut-brain” been sacrificed at the expense of “logic?”

I’ll be honest, I didn’t always trust my intuition.

Heck, I reeeeaally didn’t trust my body for a while there - hello, 10 years of bulimia.

And all that distrust of my own body’s intuition led me down some dark paths, into making poor choices that cost me time, energy, money, relationships.

I would say “Yes” to things that my body had a visceral response of “oh, giiiirl, don’t do that,” but I’d reason myself out of it.

But, it’s a great opportunity!

But, he’s been my friend for 25+ years, he’d never hurt...

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How to Eliminate Self Limiting Beliefs Using a Simple NLP Technique

queen tv Mar 15, 2021

How to Eliminate Self Limiting Beliefs Using a Simple

NLP Technique

Ready to shift your limiting beliefs with NLP? Are you looking to understand what are self-limiting beliefs and seekings some techniques to get rid of limiting beliefs? In this video, I’ll show you how to get rid of limiting beliefs using neurolinguistic programming and NLP techniques for business. 

Watch this video to discover what is NLP, how to use NLP to overcome limiting beliefs, and how to use NLP for business to set your mindset up for success.

#NLP #LimitingBeliefs #Mindset #CrownYourself


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Quantum Healing by Dr. Deepak Chopra -


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Think You’re a Failure? Sounds Like You’ve Got an Identity Crisis.

queen tv Mar 15, 2021

Having worked with high-achieving visionary leaders for the past 5 years now, I’ve seen so many entrepreneurs and leaders struggle with a MASSIVE identity crisis!

Think about it.

Have you ever uttered in the same week…

“I’m a failure!” and then one success or two later, “Damn, I’m good! I’m a freaking rockstar!”

This is a classic identity crisis. 

I mean, which way is your subconscious mind supposed to go.


Your identity is like a thermostat. 

Sending mixed messages is like your thermostat is having a hot flash. One second you turn the aircon (as they call it here in Australia) on, and then the other second you turn the heat on - this runs your ENERGY bill waaaaaay up.

So how do you regulate your identity and uplevel it to that next-level version of who you are becoming?

...Because after all, as Dr. Marshall Goldsmith says, “What got you here, won’t...

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"How does HE do it all" said no one.

Uncategorized Mar 06, 2021

Nearly a decade ago, after my first film, BRO, was released, I was doing the press and I got asked this question….

“Did you just write all the female roles? ” 


It nearly knocked me to the floor. 

Now, sure, the content of the movie had a lot of motocross, drugs, sex, guns, and Danny Trejo in it...even my mom questioned how I knew so much about all those things. *insert whistling and looking the other way. hehe. *

And sure, I was the only girl, let alone former-pageant girl, standing on stage with a production crew of all dudes, dressed up to the nines in my fancy blue dress and heels. 

It was my director and co-writing partner, Nick Parada, who helped me pick my jaw off the floor, sharing that it was actually ME who wrote the first draft of the script, and it was ME who wrote the first spec that had three guys walking into a strip club that got him and the Executive Producer to say “yes” to this former pageant...

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What’s the Deal with Doubting Yourself (Ahem...again.)

queen tv Mar 05, 2021

I remember when Spike showed me this classic Bob Newhart sketch - he’s one of my fave comedians. Watch it in the link if you want to enjoy it without the spoiler.

In the bit, Bob is a psychologist and this patient comes in with this fear of being buried alive in the box. He lets her know that’s the session.

She is amazed, excited, and eager to get started.

I mean, talk about the MAGIC PILL right? 

A solution in 5 minutes, sounds too good to be true, RIGHT?

She starts sharing her fears and her thoughts about these fears and going into her story. 

Bob stops her as she’s starting to list all the ways and means of when and how this fear comes up and all her reasons for having it.

He interrupts her and lets her know that he’s going to say two words that she can apply to her life and then she can go and leave the session.

“Should I write this down,” she asks him

“Well, it’s only two words. Most people find they can remember...

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Building Confidence and Self-Esteem as a Mompreneur (in 5 STEPS!)

queen tv Mar 04, 2021

Building Confidence and Self-Esteem as a Mompreneur

(in 5 STEPS!)

Wanna build self-confidence and self-esteem and gain confidence in business as a mompreneur? Whether you’re a working mom or entrepreneur mom, this video will show you EXACTLY how to improve self-esteem, and the confidence hacks to boost confidence and taken from lessons from our favorite teachers...OUR KIDS!

Watch this video and overcome low self-esteem, build confidence in your business, and get the BEST personal development for business women (or as we call you...QUEENS!)

#mompreneur #startingabusiness #buildyourempire #crownyourself


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Outliers: The Story of Success by Malcolm Gladwell ...

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Uncategorized Mar 04, 2021

CONFESSION: I like big butts and I cannot lie. Well, I more so like the Sir Mix-a-Lot song.

The REAL truth is, it’s my freaking go-to karaoke song. Yes, I know every word. And I bust it out like you would not imagine. Truly, a spectacle to behold. You’re welcome if you are blessed to see it.

Recently it’s been in my head. Not because I’ve been going out hitting the karaoke bars - hellloooo, pregnant. 

But, because Declan’s been sticking his butt in the air, saying “Mama, look at my butt” as he shakes it for all to behold...I have no idea where he learned this. 

I mean this kid has NO inhibitions.

And I wondered…

What if we all cared a little less about what OTHER people thought and had our BACKs more on what brings us true joy?

Getting “back” or having “back” to you is more than just having a booty and shakin’ that money maker. 

It’s about having your own back.

Fearlessly having your...

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Twerk it to Werk, Werk, Werk, Werk, Werk it.

Uncategorized Mar 03, 2021

Did it bother you that I spelled “werk” wrong? 

I mean, I’m probably the WORST at grammar and correct spelling, but intentionally spelling a word wrong to be cool like Rhianna is both liberating and at the same time, I want to go back and fix the glaring spelling, right now.


It’s funny when you start to become hyper self-aware of your sh-tuff.

As Dr. Gabor Mate says in his book When the Body Says No - our book of the month for our Mindful Monarchs Members - 

“There is no true responsibility without awareness...People are deprived of the opportunity to become truly responsible...The more we can learn about ourselves, the less prone we are to become passive victims.”


Otherwise, we’re just cleaning the surface.

Kinda like dusting off the deck of the Titanic. 

The ship may be sinking, but - hey! - at least it’s clean. 

How often...

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The One Marketing Strategy You Need to Succeed

queen tv Mar 02, 2021

Put the journal down. Put the course on pause. STOP...wait! Before you sign up for that next certification program.

And check yo’self.

Are you doing these...things...because you believe you “have to” do them or are “supposed to” do them or “should” do them to be successful?

This is the difference between taking ALIGNED action. 

And following the rules.

(I mean, didn’t you start building your business to NOT follow other people’s rules? Or is that just me?)

Having coached good-hearted, high-achieving, visionary leaders and entrepreneurs for the past 5 years, I have seen more entrepreneurs WILLINGLY give their souls over to the latest “guru” or “marketing strategy” just because someone positioned themselves strong enough to be in the space where…get this…

THEY make you believe THEY have the answer.

Heck, maybe even YOU believe that THEY have the answer...instead of YOU.

In your soul.


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How to Start a Business with $0 AND A BABY!

queen tv Mar 01, 2021

How to Start a Business With $0 AND A BABY!

Wanna start a business without any money AND you have a baby on the way or a family to support? This video will be shifting your mindset for your business and show you how to start a business from scratch with no money, and how to build a successful business and have a baby. If you’re a mompreneur, entrepreneur mom, or working mom and are looking for a real way to start your business with no money, I’m going to be shifting your mindset for success to show you all you need to know about creating a business and making a baby - and how they are practically the EXACT SAME THING.

To start a business, this entrepreneur mindset shift will help you make money in your business now. Watch this video and start building your business with no money (and with or without a baby), today!

#entrepreneurmindset #startingabusiness #buildyourempire #crownyourself



Shift from the solopreneur...

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