I hate it when people do this.

Uncategorized Mar 11, 2022

I’ll be honest. I hate it when people waste my time. 

Back in my showbiz days, when an actor would show up on set, not knowing his lines…or sometimes what scene we were shooting…it was sooooo annoying, not to mention, unprofessional and downright.

Here’s the thing I’ve noticed having coached leaders for the past 5 years…

Successful leaders, whether you’re an actor, influencer, professional speaker, a doctor, an entrepreneur, or an author, they don’t just “wing it.” 

They prepare and they practice. 

And even when they say they “wing it,” or “just show up” I guarantee that there is a process that either they practice or their team has in place that makes them appear to be “winging it,” when really…

They’ve spent countless hours practicing their craft, so much so that how they do what they do is completely unconscious to them.

They’ve reached the stage of...

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Crashing into power

Uncategorized Mar 04, 2022

I’ll admit, it’s been a while since I’ve been in proper traffic. Sure, Aussies complain that they have traffic…ha!! 

It’s nothing compared to being bumper to bumper on the 405 backed up for MILES because of a traffic accident in Los Angeles. 

Most people, when stuck in traffic resort to complaining, vegging out to a podcast, or, if you’re in the La La Land movie ensemble, dancing on top of your hoods…I joke…I wish!

After spending 20 minutes barely inching ahead on the 5 on the drive home, there’s that human desire to look at what caused the delay.

Whether you’re one of those who likes to look for bodies (it’s okay, you probably also like murder podcasts…we’re not judging)…

Or your the sympathetic soul saying the Hail Mary as you pass the ambulance…

What I’ve noticed after over 30 years of living in Los Angeles and seeing hundreds of traffic accidents, including one I saw...

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No participation trophies for life

Uncategorized Mar 03, 2022

No one will give you a participation trophy for life.

You aren’t going to get all your followers checking in on you to see how you’re doing after a devastating loss.

Sure you may get a few. Maybe even a few hundred.

But after a while, the struggles and challenges and pain you experienced will be left to be handled, solely, by you and you alone.

No matter how desperately you want to be acknowledged for what you’ve gone through.

No matter how much you want to be recognized for how far you’ve come.


No one will celebrate that journey if you are not out there beating yourself own goddamn drum, praising and chanting your stories into the culture of your community to serve those who are currently going through what you have gone through.

It is 100000% up to you to use those experiences to serve.

Because through the grief of what was, your ego will pop up 10,000 times begging to be recognized for its solitary struggle.

That’s the ego’s...

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Vibe of the day

Uncategorized Mar 02, 2022

Vibe of the day: I’m going to put out so much amazing good into this world, from the content I produce to the presence I bring to the people I am blessed to serve, to the connections I’m going to make, to the challenges I’m going to allow myself to rise courageously into, that I will be a beacon of love, serving the vibration of the planet to raise it into greater levels of consciousness, awareness, and peace. 

Fear doesn’t stop a war. Love does. 

With all the chaos going on in the world right now, the BEST thing you can do for your soul is focusing on how YOU can operate and show up with more love, more joy, and be of more service to others, adding more value to this world.

There are dark forces at work that want to tear humanity down to fear. 

They want you to believe you’re not powerful enough to stop something so massive.

But you are.

You are the Universe in human form.

You get to choose what you subscribe to, what messaging,...

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Most EPIC podcasting mistake.

Uncategorized Mar 01, 2022

There’s no perfect handbook anywhere for starting, running, growing your empire. This isn’t taught in schools - in fact, you’re kind of conditioned to fail at it. (But that’s another story for a different day.)

This is why, like a princess on her rise to rule and lead a country, you, as a business owner, MUST surround yourself with wise counsel.

Meaning, people who have done the thing before.
Mentors who have gone before you.
Coaches who can guide you.
Friends and colleagues who are going for the same big dreams.

Think about it, from the moment a princess or prince is born, they are being trained and groomed to rule by mentors, guides, coaches, in every area of their life.

Typically, the current monarch shares and shows them the mistakes, pitfalls, and possibilities for err along the way to train her for when she finally takes the throne.

So where’s your counsel?

The greatest gift you can give yourself as an entrepreneur is to learn from other...

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DON'T Start Your Own Podcast Until You Do THIS!!!

queen tv Mar 01, 2022

DON'T Start Your Own Podcast Until You Do THIS!!!

Looking to start your own podcast in 2022 for your business? One of the biggest mistakes I’ve seen business owners make is starting a podcast for their business without the ONE thing that would make their podcast a successful and profitable tool.

Hey, I did it too! In 2019, I started my own podcast, The Princess and the B. I loved creating the content and connecting with my listeners. While having my own podcast helped deepen the relationships with my existing community, I wasn’t seeing it bring in NEW customers to my business. That’s when I realized THIS…

Whether you’re a new business owner or you’ve been an entrepreneur for a while, if looking to start a podcast and make money from that podcast, watch this video BEFORE you start your own podcast in 2022 so that when you start your podcast it will be a radical success!

Watch this video to know how to start your podcast and make money. 


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Make producing your podcast EASY!

Uncategorized Feb 25, 2022

Have you ever wanted to start your own interview-based podcast? I did. In fact, I sat on the idea of launching The Princess and the B for…get this…2 years!! 

I didn’t have the infrastructure or team to support back in 2017. 

But by 2019, I had enough internal systems, financial revenue rolling in, and a small team of two for my private client coaching, so when it came to podcasting, I knew that I then had the support to start an interview-based podcast.

As The Princess and the B podcast grew over the next 3 months, I started to get bogged down with requests for interviews, as well as aaaaaalll the things that coincide with having a podcast - the production, distribution, marketing, booking guests. 

It gets to be a lot.

My solution: automate + delegate EVERYTHING. 

Well, everything that was NOT in my Zone of Genius.

If there is one of my skill sets as a Subconscious Strategist that is 100% in my Zone of Genius, is that I can...

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Podcast Interview Tips and Automation your GUESTS WILL LOVE!

queen tv Feb 25, 2022

Podcast Interview Tips and Automation your GUESTS WILL LOVE!

Whether you’re a seasoned podcaster or you’re just starting your podcast, if you’re doing podcast interviews, these podcast interview tips and automation hacks your guests will LOVE!

After over 150 episodes of my own podcast, The Princess and the B, and having been a guest on over 100 podcasts, I’ve seen the good, the bad, and the ugly when it comes to having a great podcast interview. An amazing podcast interview can be the beginning of a beautiful business relationship. But, if your guests don’t feel supported or seen through the process of booking their podcast interview and during your podcast conversation, it can tank the relationship like a bad date. 

Our process for bookings guests and interviewing guests for The Princess and the B has been praised by 7-figure and 8-figure entrepreneurs and Inc 5000 Top Business Owners

...so I figured I’d share it with you!

Watch this video...

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How to Cope with Change and Grief

the princess and the b Feb 21, 2022

Since 2020, the human species has had to cope with a lot of change. Fast.

Changes in rules and regulations. 

Changes of lifestyle, schools, habits, home-life, work-life balance, jobs (i.e. The Great Resignation).

Maybe you’ve even changed your health or started your business. 

Some of the change has been reactionary to external circumstances. 

Some have been internal.

After all, all change changes you.

In this episode, I share how I have learned to accept change and navigate the grieving process that comes with any major life transition. 

You may remember that in 2021, I lost my dad. This past January I lost my aunt, grandmother, as well as two family friends, one who was just 26-years old, all within three weeks.

Not only am I grieving the loss of loved ones, but I’m also grieving Australia and the home we have spent the past 2 years building, as we move back to the US to support my mom…and, I'll be honest…have her support as well with...

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My $70K Lead Generation System (Using Podcasts as a Marketing Tool!)

queen tv Jan 04, 2022

My $70K Lead Generation System (Using Podcasts as a Marketing Tool!)

Want to use podcasts as a marketing tool? Most business owners make the mistake of starting their own podcast FIRST as a marketing tool. And then wonder why it’s not generating any new leads? 

I did too! In 2019, I started my own podcast, The Princess and the B. And while it did well at building the know-like-trust factor in my community, it wasn’t generating as many NEW business leads. Our primary source of lead generation marketing at Crown Yourself Enterprises LLC has always been live events. But, when 2020 hit, we had to pivot our lead generation strategies...fast.

That’s when I discovered how to get booked on other people’s podcasts! In less than 50 interviews in 9 months we generated over $70,000 in new business.

In this video I show you how becoming a podcast guest can be the MOST powerful marketing tool for business growth to build your brand and your customer base, without all...

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