WARNING: Side Effects of Decision Making

the princess and the b May 10, 2022

Everything, and I do mean EVERYTHING comes with side effects.

Because every decision you make, every single choice has an effect, a consequence, a result that comes from that choice.

Some side effects we love -

Like the effect of making that choice to connect with that one human who then sends you a TON of referrals - LOVE that effect.

And some side effects are heart palpitating inductions of stress - like the effect of NOT doing your client connections and thus 3 months down the road seeing no more money flowing into your bank account than when you started.

Call it Newton’s Third Law of Motion…

Or the Universal Law of Cause and Effect…

But whatever you name it…

Every action, every choice, and every decision has an equal and opposite reaction, an effect.

Every decision chooses ONE thing and then “cuts down” another choice.

Like you choosing to listen to this podcast episode cuts down the possibility of choosing to mindlessly scroll on Facebook....

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5 Tips to Be a GREAT Podcast Guest

queen tv May 05, 2022

5 Tips to Be a GREAT Podcast Guest

Just one podcast interview can literally change your life. I’ve been blessed to do over 200+ interviews in just the past 2 years that have led to countless clients, income, and community that have come into the Crown Yourself realm.

Podcasting is my favorite long-form medium because the average listener time is - catch this -

20 minutes!!!

Unlike Youtube where the average watch time is about 4 minutes…

Tiktoks where the average watch time is 15 seconds…

And social media, which is usually about 4 seconds - if you’re lucky.

Getting 20 minutes to build the know-like-trust factor with someone can be a GAMECHANGER for your business, with just a few interviews.

But…none of that matters if you make the HUGE mistake of making the interview all about you.

Well…it is…

But…it’s really not.

That’s why in this Queen TV episode, I’m sharing with you 5 tips to help you be an epic guest on a...

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Transform Your Story: How to Shift Your Subconscious Mind

the princess and the b May 02, 2022

Wanna know what gets me fired up? What lights a fire under my butt and brings forth the full enneagram 8w7 to the stage?


I hate it. I hate it when I see it within myself. I hate it when I see it in the world. 

Blame is what I get riled up in righteous anger.


Blame belittles your greatness.

When you blame someone else, you give someone else your power for as long as you continue to blame them for who you are, where you are, and what you believe?

Wanna transform your story and start manifesting what you want into your reality? You can’t do it if you’re busy giving away your power to blame. 


In this podcast, I share with you the stories and strategies to serve you in transforming your story from the subconscious level. And, yes, I am fired upon it, so strap in for a massive shift into your most Sovereign Self.

Click here to listen to Episode No.169 -

Transform Your Story: How to Shift Your Subconscious Mind

Remember your reign is...

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10 Lessons from 1000 Emails to Get Booked on Podcasts SEO BRIEF

queen tv Apr 19, 2022

10 Lessons from 1000 Emails to Get Booked on Podcasts

Cold communication is tricky. It’s like Goldilocks and the Three Bears. Some are too pitchy. Some are too spammy.

But, there are a few magical moments when you get it…just right.

It’s not a strategy that everyone loves…probably because it makes you feel like it's the first day of school and you’re desperately trying to make new friends.

It can, however, be an effective strategy when you’re looking to get booked on podcasts.

After all, if you’re not asking to get on podcasts, then people don’t know to book you.

After sending over 1000 emails to get booked on podcasts, I have learned a crap-ton about what works, what REALLY does NOT, and how to be incredibly effective and efficient with cold emailing.

Simple truth. It works…when you do it right.

I can’t tell you how many pre-podcast interviews I've been on where the podcaster literally says, “I don’t know...

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150 first business β€œdates”

queen tv Apr 01, 2022

Have you ever been on a first date and it just was...well...the WORST? Compare that to when you’ve been on a first date and you felt so seen, heard, and understood? 

Maybe that date led to a fabulous relationship. Maybe you two decided to be just friends, but still found each other to be pretty cool. Either way, you can FEEL the difference when it’s a good date and a bad date.

Here’s the thing with dating...with each first date you have HOPE.

You want it to work out. 

You want it to be an amazing experience.

You want it to lead somewhere. 

The same is true for podcasts. 

You want your podcast experience to be AMAZING!

Going on someone else’s podcast is very much like going to someone’s house on a first date. 

And I’d know, as not only have I done over 150 podcast interviews, but my husband literally wrote the book on having first dates at your home and cooking for them. That’s how he got me ;)

When you’re going...

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3 Podcast Interview Tips I WISH Podcasters Knew as a GUEST!

queen tv Apr 01, 2022

3 Podcast Interview Tips I WISH Podcasters Knew as a GUEST!

Podcast Interview Tips I WISH Podcasters Knew as a Guest // Learn how to profit from podcasting. Get on the waitlist for Communication Queens: https://crownyourselfcoaching.com/communication-queens-waitlist 

Preparing for a podcast isn’t just about asking the best interview questions. It, like every relationship, is about the entirety of the experience that you give your guests who come onto your podcast to do an interview. 

Just like with a first date, there are a whole lot of other engagements and interactions with a guest coming onto your show BEFORE they even get to the podcast interview (aka the “first date.”)

In this video, I break down the systems that a podcaster can have set up to do an interview-style podcast, including how to do a podcast interview on zoom, how to use calendly to schedule podcast interviews, podcast automation, and interview preparation tips, so that your podcast...

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What did you know at 13?

Uncategorized Mar 31, 2022

When a 13-year old gives a TEDx talk on sexism, you pay attention. Isla Freer is an Australian teenager and student who reflects on the reality of sexism that she’s seen in her own school.

I first met Isla at the rehearsals for my TEDx talk in Currumbin. And she dazzled me! I was amazed at her courage to speak up and speak for the girls her age.

Having worked with grown adults for the past 5 years on their leadership, I realized just how jaded adults can be when it comes to the belief that they can actually create powerful, transformative change on BIG topics like sexism.

Not Isla.

As a mother of 2 young boys, I refuse to give them a world that just goes along with “how it’s been done” and Isla gave me massive hope.

To understand the vision of our future, we must look at what our children are experiencing, and sexism is a daily reality for girls in school.

Girls are noticing…standing up…and DOING something about it.

Female leaders like Isla are...

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Achieving Work-Life Balance Running a Business with 2 Babies Under 5

the princess and the b Mar 30, 2022

How do you achieve work-life balance as a mom with 2 baby boys under 5? The answer is simple: 


Personally, I believe balance is bullshit. 

Instead, I create systems and structures that allow the “orchestra” of all the “sections” of my life - work, kids, love, hobbies, personal time, friends - to harmonize.

And just like any orchestra…

Sure, sometimes some sections might be a little out of tune. 

That’s why this episode is a tune-up to generate more harmony and alignment in your life as you work 2 full-time jobs: being a business owner and being a mama.

If you’re a working mom or mompreneur and have struggled with work-life balance too, or if you’ve felt the deep-seated pangs of mom-guilt stirring in you as you battle to achieve this state of “balance” then, Queen, this episode is for you.

Click here to listen to Episode No.167 - Achieving Work-Life Balance Running a Business with 2 Babies...

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How to Be a GREAT Guest on a Podcast

queen tv Mar 29, 2022

How to Be a GREAT Guest on a Podcast

If you’re going to be a guest on a podcast, then decide to be a GREAT one! Because the ripple effect one podcast interview can have on your business can be transformative. 

Why be a guest on a podcast? Well, after appearing on over 150+ episodes as a guest on other people’s podcasts, I've found guesting on podcasting to be one of the most powerful + profitable sources of lead generation for a business. And my Communication Queens students have as well!

Being a great guest on a podcast doesn’t require tons of prep or work on your part, but in order to be a good guest on a podcast, whether you’re recording virtually, remotely, or collaborating in person, there are a few things you need to know to have an epic interview.

(And no, I don’t just mean having the right podcast microphone.)

In this video, I show you the 3 things you need to do in podcast interviews and to have your interview stand out to be as great as...

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I hate it when people do this.

Uncategorized Mar 11, 2022

I’ll be honest. I hate it when people waste my time. 

Back in my showbiz days, when an actor would show up on set, not knowing his lines…or sometimes what scene we were shooting…it was sooooo annoying, not to mention, unprofessional and downright.

Here’s the thing I’ve noticed having coached leaders for the past 5 years…

Successful leaders, whether you’re an actor, influencer, professional speaker, a doctor, an entrepreneur, or an author, they don’t just “wing it.” 

They prepare and they practice. 

And even when they say they “wing it,” or “just show up” I guarantee that there is a process that either they practice or their team has in place that makes them appear to be “winging it,” when really…

They’ve spent countless hours practicing their craft, so much so that how they do what they do is completely unconscious to them.

They’ve reached the stage of...

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