Claim Your Throne

Free yourself from the dungeon of doubt, transform your story, and let's create a clear path to purposefully build your empire.

Book Your Ascension Acceleration Consult Now

If you...

Are a high-achieving business leader and a self-improvement sponge who values growth and learningā€¦

Want more freedom and more joyful, powerful experiences in your lifeā€¦

Desire to grow your business up to 300% in the next yearā€¦

Are eager to break throughĀ your self-limiting beliefs and get out of your own wayā€¦

And if you are ready to take EVERYTHING to the next levelā€¦

Then I invite you to register now for a 1:1Ā Ascention Acceleration Consult to see if coaching is the right next step for you.

That's What They Said...


It is my soul + sole goal on this conversation that you walk away with real, practical, tangible high-performance strategies that you can immediately apply to your business and life, whether we choose to continue our coaching relationship or not.

You will get 5 (at least) actionable strategies to help you reach heightened levels of clarity, energy, courage, productivity, and influence on your march to a successful, healthy, and fully charged life. And, you’ll also get the 3-part Purposeful Profit Plan to increase your sales up to 300% in the next year.

I love my clients fiercely. I do NOT coddle them. I hold my clients to a bigger, bolder, more vivacious, and more courageous version of themselves. And usually, that means I see them before they even see that version of themselves.

I eat challenge for breakfast and live for the next level. 

I will stick with you through the thick of it to get you to where you want to be if you are ready to go ALL-IN in your life.

You are a smart, talented, high achieving leader, and you deserve to feel accomplished and fulfilled in ALL areas of your life.

Let me help you tap into your full potential.

Itā€™s amazing what you can achieve when you combine accountability with direction, a plan, strategies, and the support of a cheerleader + champion to help you soar.

Yes, I am intense. Yes, I am sparkly. Yes, Iā€™m not everyoneā€™s cup of tea, especially if youā€™re looking for a hand-holder or someone who doesnā€™t tell it like it is. Ā 

But if youā€™re a leader who desires to rise into the Freedom you're capable of, if you are a strong, courageous, motivated, vivacious ambitious achiever, with a HUGE vision for what you want to create in this lifeā€¦

Then letā€™s chat.

Over 13+ Certifications in Mind, Body, & Business

From high-performance coaching, and somatic attachment therapy, to hypnotherapy, Pilates to breathwork and trauma release, and sales strategy to energy healing, I combine multiple modalities to create a holistic transformation for our clients, from the top-down and bottom-up, based on your needs, goals, and desires.

How it Works

No.1 - This is a Paid Consult Call for $797.000 for a 90-Minute 1:1 High-Performance Acceleration Consultation

This is our exchange of trust. You're trusting that you will receive MASSIVE value - breakthroughs, ah-has, strategies, tools, and next steps to move you forward from this call alone - and I'm trusting that you are ready to play full-out, 100% during our conversation.

This call must be scheduled within 45 days of purchase and it’s a one-time, non-refundable, non-transferable deal.

No.2 - Schedule Your Call

After you purchase your call you will be automatically directed to book your call. Make sure your call is scheduled for a time when you are in a quiet place during the call. I take your time very seriously and when I'm on the call with you, you have my full, 100% attention. I'll be in a super quiet place where I can fully concentrate on YOU!  So please have the same respect for yourself and your time as I have for you. If you need to reschedule, please do so within 48 hours of your appointment.

If you have any trouble with finding space (I do get booked fast with my clients), then shoot an email to [email protected] and my Scheduling Queen, Joanna, will get you hooked up. 

No.3 - Complete Your Intake Application

Dedicate 15-20 minutes to really sit with it. I can't help you with what I don't know. Anything you put down or any area that you want to work on is completely confidential. It's just you and me, baby!

If we have not received this 48 hours before, we will reach out to reschedule. That way, you get the most out of this experience.

What I’ve noticed from working with high achievers from around the world, is that the ones who have the most breakthroughs leave nothing on the table. They lay it all out. They take action NOW. And when they do, I’ve literally had clients have breakthroughs from this form alone.

Click Here to Register + Schedule Your Consult

BONUS No.1: Get a Free 14-Page Personality Report (Value $97)

Like I said, I always loooove to add more value. Plus, taking this 90-second personality test will help me serve you better and save us some time on our call together. I like to make the most out of our time together.

BONUS No.2: Get a Headstart with My Signature #SellLikeaQueen Self-Study Course (Value $111) 

Start making the income and the impact you deserve. It is my goal to get the breakthroughs started even BEFORE we have our call. My #SellLikeaQueen Course is 5-hours of money-mindset shifting content complete with communication power tools to help you fall in love with the spiritual - yes, I said spiritual - side of selling and making more money. You’ll see. šŸ˜‰

Is it Time to Transform Your Story?

Your story is a testimony of what is possible for future generations...and they're watching. Let's make it a legendary tale of triumph.

Book Your Ascension Acceleration Consult Now

What Happens After Our Call

If I feel you are a right fit, and if I have space in my roster to take on another private client, I will ask you if we can take the last 10 minutes of our call to explore some opportunities to continue our coaching relationship based on your needs, desires and the progress we’ve already made within this consult call.

But that’s only if we both agree we’re a right fit.

If I feel you would be better served by our other products and programs, I will take the time to present those instead.

And, if I feel after our call you would be better served by someone else, I will happily provide you with a referral or two.

The last thing I want to do is waste your time or money.

Transformation can be tough.

It's ripping your most Sovereign self through the illusions of your ego, and your shadow, and all the plagiarized programming, and societally conditioned B.S. to fully unlock your Highest and Best. 

That's why I only work with the absolutely most soul-aligned, fuck-yes, let's do this now, souls, who are ready to go all-in, who want a partner who doesn't back down, who is relentless in challenging them compassionately to rise into their highest and best, who will call it as she sees it, who will equip you with every tool necessary for your evolution, and who will throw the kitchen sink at every problem o find a solution, together, so that you rise, you achieve, you receive ALL that you both desire, and ALL that is destined for you.

The coaching relationship is incredibly intimate, and as I said, I love my clients fiercely. I want to make sure I serve you in the best way possible. If that sounds fair, I look forward to supporting you in your rise to rule on our call.

DECLARE IT NOW: Mediocrity ain't happenin' here. I choose to STAND OUT in my power and be an example of excellence for others to follow.

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