Are you scared that your competitors or even a former employee could be stealing your sales or - GASP! - poaching your customers and clients? If you’re in a service-based industry and are looking to grow your business, you may run into some shady sales tactics. But that doesn’t mean you have to let them affect YOUR abundance mindset.
Watch this video for the business tips to keep your entrepreneur mindset on its game and how to keep your customers (and your employees) so happy they wouldn’t want to go to any other business, freelancer, or service provider.
#businessmindset #abundancemindset #businesstips
Want to grow your business 150% in the next 12-months? Join me on a 90-Minute High-Performance Consultation:
Wanna know how to attract more clients to your business IN or AFTER a pandemic? Let’s be honest, 2020 was a challenging year for business - no matter what business or industry you’re in. And yet, companies like mine and my clients experienced 150%-300% growth!! HOW?!?!
Yes, there’s strategy. Yes, there are systems. But, really, it’s HOW YOU SHOW UP that is everything. Now, it’s not all just the law of attraction that helps you in attracting sales to manifest with success.
In this video I share the online business tips to attract more customers to your business - no matter what economic, pandemic, or season, or industry, your business is in - so YOU become a client attraction magnet landing clients and customers from anywhere, at any time, and from any post or video you share.
#businesstips #buildyourempire #lawofattraction
It’s Father’s Day in the states which brings up a lot of mixed emotions for me this time around - and it’s not just pregnancy hormones.
On the one hand, I’ve got an amazing husband, the father to my babies, the man who redefined what being a dad meant to me - consistency, steadfastness, unconditional support.
And on the other…
I miss my dad.
Having talked and worked with many clients whose relationships with their parents have say the least, the grief process, I’ve noticed, is quite different for those who believe -
Life is happening FOR you.
Life is happening TO you.
I’m of the former, though I used to be of the latter.
I tried to run as hard and as fast as I could AWAY from being anything like my dad, and, in doing so, only ran into the same cycles of enoughness, blame, shame, and victimhood I saw perpetuated through his addiction.
When I started my healing journey - first with bulimia,...
Hi, I’m Kimberly Spencer, and I’ve been addicted to doing.
I’m a do-er.
Most of the people I work with are do-ers. In fact, it’s hard to get us to NOT do. There is always something to do. A neverending to-do list of “shoulds” and “supposed to’s.”
Can we possibly push ourselves farther, longer, harder, to that edge, and maybe even a little past it that feels like our breaking point?
Eventually, though, doing replaces who we be.
When you become the do-er, you become the taskmaster of your soul, instead of allowing your Sovereign Self to shine.
Doing becomes a distraction.
Doing can even become an addiction.
Addicted to the rush of having so much on your plate.
Addicted to the feelings of overwhelm.
Addicted to always have more to do....
Faith and fear are basically the same things - it’s a BELIEF in something that HAS NOT YET HAPPENED coming true and yet, believing with CERTAINTY that that which has not happened yet, will happen.
And both are like a compass.
One is pointed in the direction of what you want.
The other is pointed in the direction of what you don’t want.
If you’re stuck in worry…
If you’re in the shadows of doubt…
If you’re fearing the next big thing, the next leap, moving forward…
Have no fear, for you are in faith.
…Wait, what?
Stick with me on this…
It’s just the arrow of your compass is focused on what you don’t want.
It’s focused on what you regret.
It’s focused on past experiences or “evidence” that is backing up the certainty you have.
It’s focused on all the things that you DON’T WANT.
So it’s signaling those warning signs in your brain of “Fear!...
What do you do when an idea “lands”? When it comes into the port of your mind, do you strap it in, tie it down? Or do you let it dock there, but don’t claim it as part of your fleet?
They are dreams to be seized.
They are visions to be realized.
They are possibilities to be honed, sharpened, and beautified.
They are money to be received.
But, when you don’t lock them in - when you delay or doubt yourself (causing more delay), the idea just floats there, out somewhere at sea, and eventually, it floats off, to find a new more accommodating port.
There’s a children’s book series that is my absolute favorite, and one of the books is What Do You Do with a Chance. (Seriously, even if you don’t have kids, get this book. I recommend it to my adult clients.)
In it, the child leaps to take a chance but misses and falls. He starts not taking chances and the more he doesn’t take chances, the more he...
One of the greatest gifts I was ever given was the blessing of working 10+ hours a day, 6 days a week, for 4 years with thousands of Pilates clients back when I was just 20 years old.
You see, back then, I was in the throes of bulimia, rollercoaster dieting, trying to save my own life and I found this ONE tool - Pilates - that was a complete and total gamechanger.
Not only because Pilates activates and trains your parasympathetic nervous system, so for those who have had trauma in their past, operating in fight/flight mode all the time, in states of high or chronic anxiety - yeah, Pilates helps tell your sympathetic nervous system to chill TF out….
(And mine needed to back then, like a mofo.)
But also because teaching Pilates exposed me every day to 10 different humans a day, meaning 10 different belief systems a day, 10 different ways of BEING a day.
It allowed me to discover that there is no “right” way to do life - there’s just your way, or...
There have been moments - I will totally OWN it - when I have thought:
"God, it would have been soooo much easier had I really started growing my business without having kids!"
I would have had so much more time.
I could have made so much more money.
I wouldn't have had to struggle so much in the beginning.
And down the woulda-coulda-shoulda rabbit hole, I would go.
Here's the truth of it though...
Had it been my path to build a real, transformative, money-making business with no children, I would have.
It wasn't.
I would have kept going, stumbling and fumbling around in the dark, throwing spaghetti at a wall, pretending to be a #bossbabe with my business cards that said "CEO" on them and my fancy, expensive website, but I wouldn't have had the NECESSITY or the URGENCY to change.
For me, my kids have been my GREATEST motivators.
Declan gave me the spark of COURAGE to get certified in NLP, Time Line Therapy, and hypnosis, even though it wasn’t the right time, I didn’t...
If you had told me 15 years ago, back when I was struggling with bulimia that I'd take a picture like this at the heaviest weight I've ever been (not that weight matters, obvi, I know I'm pregnant) and told me that I would actually FEEL BEAUTIFUL, I would have thought you were nuts.
Yet, here I am.
Sparkly, full of baby, and so grateful for this life.
In fact, never have I ever felt this beautiful (with a SLIGHT emphasis on the -FUL part because, hot dang - holy baby belly!)
I am carrying something so much greater than a perfectly toned tummy.
Life, creation, lives and is growing in me right now.
But you don’t have to be pregnant to feel that.
After my mom sat on me when I was 16-years old, pinning me down in the hallway as I fought her relentlessly to go puke my food out, and essentially saving my life (thanks mom!), I had the wake-up call I needed as she screamed at me “I love you, Kim, I’m not going to let you kill yourself!”
I realized was on the slow path to suicide - because that’s what all eating disorders are. I didn’t want to die. But I didn’t know how to live.
I didn’t have the HOW, but I had the WHO.
My mom.
I had someone else who was rooting for me to succeed in my quest to live healthily and whole, a quest that would take me 5 more years to fully recover from.
But I did.
And the advice that got me through...
"Be kind to yourself," she said.
It showed up in ALL areas of my life, from my body to my relationships to my bank account to my business.
Do you know what had to change?
I had to...
50% Complete
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