When Affirmations Just Aren't Cutting It: A Chair-Top Confession

Please enjoy this transcript of the Crown Yourself Podcast, with your host, transformational story coach, Kimberly Spencer (@Kimberly.Spencer)

In this episode of the Crown Yourself podcast, host Kimberly Spencer delves into her journey with affirmations, explaining why they initially failed her. She emphasizes the necessity of embodying beliefs rather than merely stating them. Kimberly introduces the concept of a "creed," a personal set of standards that resonate deeply and guide one's actions. She shares personal anecdotes, highlighting the importance of full-body commitment and genuine willingness to achieve goals. Kimberly encourages listeners to create their own creed, embody their desires, and rise into higher versions of themselves, ultimately crafting a life that truly rules.


What you will learn from this episode…

  • Kimberly Spencer's personal experience with affirmations
  • The importance of embodying beliefs rather than just affirming them
  • Introduction of the...
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Why Every High Performer Needs a Hobby (Even if It's Just Collecting Stamps)

Please enjoy this transcript of the Crown Yourself Podcast, with your host, transformational story coach, Kimberly Spencer (@Kimberly.Spencer)

In this episode of the "Crown Yourself" podcast, host Kimberly Spencer explores the significance of hobbies for high performers. She shares personal anecdotes and insights on how hobbies can enhance life and business, offering a fresh perspective and psychological adaptability. Kimberly discusses the embodiment of principles learned through hobbies and their application to business, such as mindset and manifestation. She encourages listeners to engage with hobbies for personal growth, skill development, and joy. Examples range from yoga to cooking, with her own experiences adding depth to the discussion. Kimberly concludes by inviting her audience to seek hobbies that resonate with them and to join her community for further support in high-performance growth.

*Transcripts may contain typos. We do our best to catch any human or robot errors...

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