What’s the Deal with Doubting Yourself (Ahem...again.)

queen tv Mar 05, 2021

I remember when Spike showed me this classic Bob Newhart sketch - he’s one of my fave comedians. Watch it in the link if you want to enjoy it without the spoiler. 😉

In the bit, Bob is a psychologist and this patient comes in with this fear of being buried alive in the box. He lets her know that’s the session.

She is amazed, excited, and eager to get started.

I mean, talk about the MAGIC PILL right? 

A solution in 5 minutes, sounds too good to be true, RIGHT?

She starts sharing her fears and her thoughts about these fears and going into her story. 

Bob stops her as she’s starting to list all the ways and means of when and how this fear comes up and all her reasons for having it.

He interrupts her and lets her know that he’s going to say two words that she can apply to her life and then she can go and leave the session.

“Should I write this down,” she asks him

“Well, it’s only two words. Most people find they can remember them,” he says.


And here she is, on the edge of her seat....

Hanging on his every word, waiting, like so many for the magical words that will change her life, release her fears, liberate her from the dungeon of doubt.

“STOP IT,” he shouts at her.

She doesn’t seem to get it. 

“Well, you don’t want to go through life being scared of being buried alive in a box do you? That sounds frightening?”

“It is.”

“Then, STOP IT!”

“So I should just stop being afraid of being alive in a box?” She asks.

“You got it.” And then he wraps up the session. Much to her surprise.

I can’t tell you how many times I have wanted to say this - lovingly - to someone. (Myself included)

What if you just STOPPED IT? 

Stopped the doubt.

Stopped the fear.

Stopped saying “yes” when you want to say “no.”

Stopped letting people walk all over your boundaries.

Stopped settling.

Stopped accepting anything less than what you desire.

You see, we as humans are so skilled at complicating things that aren’t complicated. 

And what if you just STARTED?

STARTED believing in yourself.

STARTED trusting your gut.

STARTED saying “no.”

STARTED taking courageous action.

STARTED backing yourself.

STARTED saying “yes” to your dreams.

Doubt delays dreams.

So just STOP IT.

Remember, your reign is now. 

P.S. If “STOP IT” is too simple a strategy for you to overcome your doubt, our NEW QUEEN TV episode can help you too!

In 15-minutes, I’ll show you 5-simple mindset reframes to help you ditch the dungeon of doubt, claim your power, go for your dreams and build confidence and courage using my favorite teacher...my son.



(Yes, I totally have cute baby videos of Decky in there as teaching points - I mean, he has been my greatest coach ever!)

After all, Decky was the catalyst to help me STOP IT with the doubt and START going all-in on my dream for both him and me...and here we are, living it, in Australia! 

That’s the power of just STOPPING IT with the doubt. And STARTING going ALL-IN on you!


 What’s the Deal with Doubting Yourself (Ahem...again.) - Crown Yourself Kimberly Spencer Quote - Crown Yourself What’s the Deal with Doubting Yourself (Ahem...again.)

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