It came to the point where I just said no more.

Uncategorized Dec 30, 2017

A while back, my inbox was a black hole of "important" info and urgency.

I was an executive in a national online startup and we were hustling to get the business off the ground. 4 AM urgent emails filled my inbox, dripping with panic about the website not being perfect or the latest email having copy editing errors. 11 PM emails about new strategies to implement, new marketing tactics to try, where our sales conversions were, and our sales projections. I felt like a madwoman subscribing to every marketing and business building webinar imaginable. I would wake up shaking in the middle of the night wondering if I'd missed something if I'd set the latest sales to funnel up correctly, if I had a typo in tomorrow's social media posts.

Your inbox is a precious space of your energy. It is a direct reflection of what's going on inside you.

And what was going on inside of me was nothing good. I was filled with negative emotions - fear, doubt, frustration. My hair started falling out from stress (not good because I was getting married in a several months). I wanted ease. I wanted clarity. I was freaking tired of feeling the hustle, do-do-do panic. I was good at hustling. I was also really good at hiding my panic, or so I thought.

Then I got my coach's newsletter, asking if we should break up. I was thunderstruck. She was actually telling me to say, "No." Stop doing. Stop listening to 1000 different opinions. 

Listening to everyone else's opinion is actually a version of self-sabotage. 

 When I realized that, I said, "No more."

No more buying trainings and implementing them halfway. No more subscribing to every Webinar that danced on my Facebook feed. No more subscribing to every new business coach's latest strategy. Period. No more being told to do the things I had to do to change my life and business. I had to pull the trigger and just do it. I unsubscribed from hundreds...seriously, hundreds... of newsletters.  

Feeling like you're going to "miss out" on some vital information in your inbox comes from lack...and fear. 

All the answers you need are already inside of you. Sometimes you just need a little personal assistance getting them out. Fortunately I had a coach to guide me, and prevent me from self-destructing with more limiting beliefs. 


Stop listening to 1000 different voices telling you what to do and just listen to the most important one. Your own. 

But how to you grow out of your current mindset of lack, when you're feeling trapped? How do you tap into that voice inside, when your consciousness is crowded with clutter from input overload? When your current thinking has gotten you to where you are, how do you transform your thinking to the next level without other people.

The answer: choose one.

Especially when you are lacking clarity, the last thing you need is 15 different coaches telling you 15 different opinions. The key is to find the right ONE. The one who taps YOU into your own answers. The one who guides you to finding the best way for YOU. The one who holds you accountable to your highest magnificense + calls you out on any behavior that goes against that.

The only one who is in your way is you. And the only one who can get you to your dreams is also...YOU.

You just have to get in touch with that YOU that is deep inside you. The one that's crying to be heard, because she wants to elevate you to your highest potential. Having a coach...ONE COACH...can radically help expedite the process. The right coach guides you to finding your own answers. The right coach serves to shine a spotlight on the limiting beliefs + negative emotions that are holding you back from your success. The right coach is like a cheerleader, ready to boost you up + let you fly into your own destiny.

If you're interested in tapping into your inner voice...

Let's chat. I only have a few spots left for this month, so hit reply and let us know if you’d like to apply for a spot.

We are really selective on who we choose + these few spots will go quickly.


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