How I Became More Productive By Rebelling Against High Performance and Productivity Coach’s Advice

Uncategorized May 11, 2021

I do some of my best thinking from bed on my phone.

No, I’m not scrolling or consuming.

No, I’m not on Instagram or Facebook, looking at how many likes something I’ve shared has or hasn’t received, or waiting to be triggered by someone’s comment. 

I’ve trained my tool to be a vessel of creativity.

Most of my blogs, posts, and emails are written from bed on my phone.

Most of my client prep before coaching calls happens as I review my notes from my bed, the night before.

I write them, create them, then refine the next morning over an almond milk cappuccino in the cafe downstairs. 

Now, you may be thinking, “But that’s not HIGH PERFORMANCE!”

And I know I’m probably making any productivity coach CRINGE in their seats, because “That’s not the way it’s done.”

Say’s who?

High performance is whatever you make “high performance” means to you.

For me, high performance means operating from a space that FEELS GOOD.

Feeling good means getting out my daily content.

Feeling good means making those big, courageous asks.

Feeling good means lying in my bed. 

Feeling good means doing it on MY terms, in MY way, and not in what some “guru” has said.

And currently, this works for me.

I decided long ago that I wanted to make doing business feel good - like a Queen.

A Queen arises for no one.

A Queen needs not sit at her official desk to get things done. 

A Queen sets her own rules, her own standards, for how life, business, and her leadership get to be. 

I take the inspired action that comes through and from this state of relaxation. 

Instead of applying the PRESSURE to write and perform whilst seated properly at my desk, I get to allow the divine downloads to flow through me as I feel fully supported by my ungodly amount of throw pillows.

Instead of BEING HARD ON MYSELF and having to DO BUSINESS A CERTAIN WAY, I give myself the grace, flow, and freedom to work in the spaces that INSPIRE me…

Currently, that’s my bed at 10 PM at night. And allowing for that to be what it is. 

Who says I have to work at my desk? I do sometimes, and I love that space.

But the state of relaxation and ease that my bed puts me in creates the space for intuition, for flow.

It’s BECAUSE of that that it would be irresponsible for me NOT TO WORK from bed when I feel called to it.

Always honor intuition.

It flows through you.

It works in states of relaxation.

I honor that connection with the Divine and the divine downloads come. 

I wasn’t always this way.

I used to NEED the discipline of sitting at my desk, scheduling out the time religiously to commit to owning and showing up as I needed to.

I NEEDED that container back then as I was just learning WHAT courageous actions to take in my business.

Now, I know. And now, I ALLOW myself to feel supported, held, nurtured.

I used to NEVER work from bed. I had to be seated properly at my desk, or worse in my office to be able to get the world done. 

The environment had to be perfect. The temperature set. 

But the environment has to be perfect and the structure has to be in place when the commitment to Soul isn’t fully there. 

Sitting at my desk to work triggered the discipline I needed -

The discipline to do the things that scared me FIRST.

The discipline to sit my ass down and DO THE FREAKING WORK before getting to all the other distractions of laundry, life, and whatnot. 

The discipline to designate a space so I could FOCUS.

Now, focus lives in me. 

Now the work lives through me.

Now courage lives in me.

So the space that I inhabit to do the things is wherever I choose it to be because it is already inside. 

I now have enough discipline to the message to the work that I TRUST myself to follow through whenever I am called - including being in bed.

So why push and force myself into some rigid form and rules of the productivity gods of Instagram?

At first, you need structure. 

Then you surrender the structure and the tools and the technique for the flow of the moment. 

And, then you TRUST that you have the training and presence to see you through.

The discipline is in showing up

The discipline is in the courage to create and RELEASE those creations into the world.

Doesn’t matter where I do it, so long as that discipline is there…

And you just fucking do it.

Remember, your reign is now. 

P.S. Today is the LAST day to join me for 30-Days as a Visionary Voxer private client. It’s you + me, back and forth, day in and day out, daily voice messaging and support to give you the courage, confidence, clarity...and, yes, strategy too… to move you forward FAST.

I’ve never offered this before and I don’t know if I will ever again. So this is an opportunity to seize NOW.

So you start practicing the…

DISCIPLINE of accountability to your goals.

DISCIPLINE to following through.

DISCIPLINE of doing the inner mindset work that MUST be done to move you forward.

DISCIPLINE to ask for help, support, guidance when and how you need it.

DISCIPLINE to show up for yourself - whether you need help or not and to be present.

Having DAILY conversations like this with my coaches, mentors, and masterminds changed the game for my business back in 2018-2019. It’s what took me from 6-figures to multi-six figures. 

Just IMAGINE what it could do for you...30 days from now. How much farther will you be?

For all the deets and to register, click here.

I’ve got champs on the other side for you!


 Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

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