3 Fake Business Rules of Social Media to Break Right Now

Uncategorized Sep 22, 2020

Ever think "I should have more followers?"⁠ Or, “I should have more people on my list?” Or, “I should be making more money in my business?”

Then you may also be experiencing feelings of…

Overwhelm, anxiety, frustration, resentment, holding back tears, or screams, or rails at the high heavens for why are they so much farther along than you.


Should-ing is soul-sucking.⁠

If you’re stuck in comparison, beating yourself up for not being where you "should" be vs. where you are, showing up on social media...and, heck, just building a business can SUCK.⁠

Should-ing anything is contractive energy that ain't nobody got time for. ⁠

Least of all you. And especially not your customers. 

Everything is energy, after all. 

And we feel it when you're putting on a show or trying to be like someone else, or posting with a 💩ton of "shoulds."

Your audience is smart. Like you.

And we KNOW, even when we can’t put our finger on it when showing up is just a should instead of a service. 

You’re essentially shaming the # of followers you have for "not being enough"...aaahhh, there's that old belief showing up again.

Stop "should-ing" on your sparkle and instead trade it for gratitude.

Here’s the thing about shoulds…

They’re just conditioned beliefs - rules - that you can choose to do life and business by or you can break the mold, stand out like a badass and make up your own dang rules, Queen!

You decide. 

Rules are just beliefs you believe that you believe rule your life. 

And there’s a shitTON of them in marketing your business and making money.

Like a rule that you have to have a list of hundreds of thousands in order to make money.

FAKE RULE NO.1 - You Need a Big List to Make Big Money

When I first started my business, I made $67,000 from a list of under 350 people and a following of less than 1000.

And that’s just for starters.

One of my clients made $250,000 in his first year in business with a practically dead list of under 1000 people. 

It’s not about the size of your list. It’s about the quality of your list.


FAKE RULE NO.2 - You Need 4,000 Subscribers to Make Money on Youtube

One of my clients had only 250 subscribers and, yet, she successfully got her first paying $1000 client for her organizing business from her funnel.

It’s not about the platform. It’s about the value you provide on the platform.

Provide enough value and people will pay you what you want for your products and services. 


FAKE RULE NO.3 - You have to have 10,000 Instagram followers to make money on Social Media

One of my clients has a following of 171 people. She did half a million in sales. 

Now you might think, well she’s visible on other platforms. Sure, Linked in is her go-to. Even then, it’s not about the number of followers she has, it’s about 

It’s not about the number of followers she has. It’s about the QUALITY of her relationships.

Which is EXACTLY why we dive into HOW you are RELATING on social media in #SparkleonSocialMedia.

This isn’t just a do-this, don’t do that sort of course. You can get most of that from a Google search (and that’s surface-level shit anyway).⁠

In my course (as in ALL my courses), we always go deep.⁠

✨ You change your perceptions. ⁠

✨ You clear the path for your message (and your mother-effing mission)⁠

✨ You uplevel every area of your life so that you stand out the way you desire to online.⁠

I pulled this bad boy out of the vault of my high-performance group coaching program, where my members were paying $497 a month.

But for just this course....⁠


⁠You get all of it, jam-packed into 5 video modules, MP3s so you can take the course with you wherever you go, and journal prompts to plot out your world domination...ahem, I mean social media posts + lifetime access...for one payment of $97.⁠ 

If there is ONE thing you will walk away from this course knowing it’s this:

The numbers of how many or how few people follow you, subscribe to you, watch you do NOT equal the number of dollars in your bank account.

It’s about what you believe.

It’s about WHO is watching you.

It’s about what you’re doing that is bringing in those clients and customers that you serve.

It’s about the quality of the people you are drawing in with your message.

It’s about aligning and attracting soulmate clients, not just a bunch of random emoji-droppers.

....Plus, you’ll walk away with a clear strategy and a plan to start standing out NOW online and showing up consistently as the badass Queen you were born to be.

We go into the exact tools that I use in my business to systematize social.

We dive deep into what to do when no one is watching.

We unleash the painful emotions when you see your subscribers and followers dwindling down.

We power into which platforms you should use to best align with YOUR brand (not just because I or someone else is using them).

We change your mind around what it means to stand out, show off, and celebrate your success in a big, bold way (instead of apologizing for doing something awesome).


Remember, your reign is now.

P.S. I totally get how new, bold leaps like this can scare the living poop out of you. Feel the fear, take the step, and show up for your next level. Because either Fear will rule your life. Or you will. Your choice.


Trust your heart. Believe in yourself.

Remember who you are at your SOUL - bold, fearless, unapologetic, and gloriously sparkly.

It’s time to use that sparkle to serve. Serve yourself. Serve others. Serve the world in ONLY the way that YOU CAN.

You got this.


3 Fake Business Rules of Social Media to Break Right Now Kimberly Spencer Quote - Crown Yourself 3 Fake Business Rules of Social Media to Break Right Now

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