Navigating Entrepreneurial Challenges: Embracing Feminine Energy, Authenticity, and Community with Meghann Conter

Please enjoy this transcript of the Crown Yourself Podcast, with CEO of “The Top 7 Figure Women’s Peer Group” The Dames, Meghann Conter [@meghannconter], and your host, transformational story coach, Kimberly Spencer (@Kimberly.Spencer)

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In this episode of the Crown Yourself podcast, Kimberly Spencer and her guest, Meghann Conter, discuss the entrepreneurial journey, highlighting the importance of aligning business with personal values and embracing feminine energy. They share experiences of resilience during tough times, like the economic downturn and the pandemic, and stress the significance of community and authenticity. The conversation covers the balance of work and personal life, the challenges of societal expectations, and the joy of finding one's unique professional path. They advocate for self-care, creativity, and redefining professionalism to include self-expression and individuality.

What you will learn from this episode:

  • Challenges and triumphs of entrepreneurship
  • Embracing feminine energy in business
  • Power of community and support in achieving success
  • Uncovering one's zone of genius
  • Aligning with personal values in business
  • Significance of values as decision-making tools
  • Impact of the pandemic on businesses and personal lives
  • Importance of creating a supportive and collaborative environment
  • Balancing work and personal life
  • Embracing authenticity and self-expression in professional endeavors

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We good? Great. Let's get to the goods.




Meghann Conter (00:00:00) - A value is something that you use as a decision-making tool. Is it something you should do or is it not? The only way to know that is if it's truly in alignment deeply with that value. If my comfort zone isn't being expanded on a regular basis, if I am not growing in like doing the kinds of personal growth work that I love and that I thrive in, if I'm not enjoying myself more every single quarter, if I'm not achieving these different things that are part of my litmus test to whether I'm living in growth or not, then how do I know that I'm actually living in my values? And if you can't say that with all of your values, then go back to the drawing board and see if they're the right words.


Kimberly Spencer (00:00:47) - Welcome to the Crown Yourself podcast, where together we build your empire and transform your subconscious stories about what's possible for your business, body, and life. I'm your host, Kimberly Spencer, founder of CrownYourself.Com and I'm a master mindset coach, bestselling author, TEDx speaker, known to my clients as a game changer.


Kimberly Spencer (00:01:07) - Each week you get the conscious leadership strategies you need to help you reign with courage, clarity, and confidence so that you too, can make the income and impact you deserve. Imagine this podcast as your royal invitation to step into your full potential and reign in your divine purpose. Your sovereignty starts here and your reign is now. I think the biggest thing that people need to see is I wish they were here in this room with us to see just how much fun we're already having.


Kimberly Spencer (00:01:37) - And we haven't even done anything.


Meghann Conter (00:01:39) - Exactly. And just how much fun can be instigated in like 15 seconds. It's amazing. I guess what? It's energy.


Kimberly Spencer (00:01:48) - It is animals. It's laughter. It's joy. It brings that. It dilutes the seriousness. And I think especially as you're in the beginning stages of your business, or if you're in a scaling stage of your business, like there's serious things and people's livelihoods and employees livelihoods on the line, and it can feel like a lot of pressure dancing.


Meghann Conter (00:02:12) - It's not only your life anymore, it's the lives of so many others, and it's your family, and it's your everybody's opinions of us is what we're worried about.


Meghann Conter (00:02:21) - It's just all these compounding things that create a cacophony of seriousness. And how the heck is that fun?


Kimberly Spencer (00:02:30) - Yeah.


Meghann Conter (00:02:31) - I don't know how I get that far.


Kimberly Spencer (00:02:33) - Especially when most people get into building their own business for the sake of having freedom.


Meghann Conter (00:02:38) - Exactly. So what is there in that? You know, downtrodden, trudging through the quicksands of business? How is that life giving? It's no wonder so many people burn out and don't make it to a certain level. And, you know, they get to those pit stops and they're like, God, okay, I made it to 250 K, all right. How am I going to get to that next huge mountain? It feels like it's so far away. How am I going to possibly do that? And especially if, like I'm already working 60 hours a week, what do I have to do if I'm going to have to work 80 hours a week? Am I going to have to get like, no, I should just go get a job at Starbucks? Forget this, I'm done.


Meghann Conter (00:03:22) - It's a rollercoaster that we go through at all these different stages.


Kimberly Spencer (00:03:28) - Yeah. What have you noticed for you was the hardest one was the hardest leap?


Meghann Conter (00:03:33) - Several of them. the initial years when I was in business was 2008 and nine. So during the worst time possible.


Kimberly Spencer (00:03:43) - Same year? Yeah.


Meghann Conter (00:03:44) - I decided to choose to get into social media marketing, and so nobody even knew what that was here in Denver, let alone why they would need to pay for it. And, let's just say that my first couple of years of business revenue was like 25,000. And I don't know how I survived on that, but I called it the romance years. And I'm like, if I made it through the ramen years, I can make it through anything. So that was a tough one. But I learned so many valuable lessons at all of these points. Like at that point it's just like, man, if you can get yourself past that, those initial stages of I won't do anything for anyone. And if you can get into a focus lane of where your zone of genius is and it's like really narrow down and niche in like your your growth trajectory is going to be a lot more comfortable and it's going to be a lot more fun.


Meghann Conter (00:04:39) - But there's also this element, giant element of fear that comes in at that point in time of, well, then I'm going to what if I choose the wrong niche or I'm going to ostracize certain people, or I don't even know what my niche should be or all of that. So that's that was one of them. And then the next one was took me about the first six years of business to get past $100,000 in revenue in my marketing business. And that was, you know, a period of, again, like the thing that got me to that point was I slimmed down. Instead of having customization for all these ten, 12, 15 different iterations of my offerings, I slimmed down to one. And you went through this path, and if you didn't work with me in this path, then I had a suite of power partners that I would refer you to who might be a better fit for your marketing needs, but that helped me scale to that six figures and into like multi six figures just by focusing there and then.


Meghann Conter (00:05:37) - Yes, I had a follow up program that they can work with me in. But so that was another one. And then I would say the pandemic was a blur, because I was the breadwinner. And so I just put my head down and got to work and I did what I knew, which was connecting, and I was doing one on one calls to get women into the games. So I was doing an average of 20 to 30 hours a week of one on one calls and growing the names, which was great because we had a virtual everything, so we didn't have to do the whole pivot like we have to rebuild our website. We have to just we have to. That didn't have to do that, but I was I and I'm not at all comparing myself to those who are on the front line or oh, it's not called mandatory workers. What was it called necessary? But it I'm not saying that I was that, but I felt like that because I just didn't take a break. You know, I think a.


Kimberly Spencer (00:06:38) - Lot of business centers haven't like actually sufficiently processed the trauma actually collectively of those years of, you know, there was so much that we didn't know. I mean, I was stuck in a foreign country. Yeah. The family and the breadwinner. So like, that was that whole season of life of of surrender, of surrender. And one of the things that bothered me so much was, yes, was not like a frontline worker, but at the same time calling people whose businesses, whose they built their lives on not necessary peeved me to my core because I'm like, it may not be necessary to the global sphere at this moment, but currently but I disagree. I think if you if it's necessary to your family, then that's supporting the global sphere because you have a healthy holistic family unit because you're not. Fretting and worrying about money. And I think that the ability to put your head down, do the work, do the calls, build the connections, build the relationships. It's such a testament to who you are and how great you are connecting, and how you were able to hone in on that genius.


Kimberly Spencer (00:07:50) - And I'd love to know your process for what led you to discovering my genius zone beyond anything else is connecting.


Meghann Conter (00:07:59) - Yeah. So what's interesting is it's been, Of course, like everything else, it's been a journey. So it started looking at that with reading The Big Leap and doing a book club on it in 2016, and that's when I really uncovered what my that and start with why I really uncovered that. I am here to create love and fun on this planet. Through connection is the main mechanism. And so that was that first of oh if I am not actually creating and living in fun and love and doing that through. The art of connection, myself and others, then I'm usually miserable. And when I would evaluate that along with my values, along with my mission and vision, I could always find those points like, oh well, this is why I'm feeling this way, because I'm not in alignment with this particular thing. So it was a it's always a continuous refinement. And then I got into I can't remember what was the next pad like jumping pad from there.


Meghann Conter (00:09:09) - But then the next step is stepping stone, whatever. Launch pad. And who cares? There are all these metaphors. The next one was, you know, really getting into ten x is easier than two x and looking at it and saying, okay, my unique abilities are yes, to create connection in unique ways, but also to create transformation like systemic transformation and to perform in order to educate, which I call edutainment. And those three things are as long as I have those three components in my week as the majority of my time, then I am on my path. And it's because I'm in those zones of genius. And I realized, especially in reading the big leap, that my most of the things that I was doing in my marketing business were in my zone of excellence or competence. And that's why I never felt fueled, but almost always felt drained. I was great at it, and it didn't feel me. So when I gave myself the permission, that was why the pandemic was so transformational for me, why I gave myself when I gave myself the permission to close my marketing business literally December 31st, 2019.


Meghann Conter (00:10:25) - That made it so that I could then go into 2020 with this gorilla off my back and be able to really step into my leadership in the days. And I was on faltering because even though it was so hard to go from like, gosh, we just launched a chapter and our first out of state chapter in February of 2020. We just had all this momentum to launch other chapters. And even though that was like kind of a fall on the face, it was like, oh, I can jump right back up and I can keep running because I had a vision getting in touch with my intuition. So we're going backwards in time now and starting in 2012 to really figure out what is it that I want for my future and what is it that I'm going to create. And the big thing, the vision there was like global connection. And it's not about shifting paradigms. Just here in the United States. It's about bringing more women to the seven figure market or to high performing six figures, whatever that case is, so that we can be the primary breadwinners if we choose to, or we can create change in our families by bringing our income potential to the table.


Meghann Conter (00:11:39) - We can create, therefore, that changes in our local communities because women are making decisions and have buying power and have decision making power through their businesses, and then we can start rippling out toward our, you know, toward our cities, to our states, toward our countries, toward the world. And that is done by each and every one of us women getting in touch with our true feminine power and moving more into that space of, okay, I'm not going to follow, I'm not going to follow the herd, and instead I'm going to get really in touch with in alignment with where it is that I'm meant to be on this planet. And part of that was uncovering the unique abilities, uncovering the the zone of genius, etc..


Kimberly Spencer (00:12:20) - I love that you opened up and unlocked the feminine power because, I know on this podcast we've talked a lot about the dance between the masculine and the feminine, and I think a lot of, women as business owners, like one of the one of the horror stories that I've heard from having coached leaders for in the past nine years in multiple different industries, was that it was never the men that was holding women back.


Kimberly Spencer (00:12:48) - It was the women. It was this sisterhood wound, where we adopted a masculine values, the values level three is Claire Graves would say, mentality of like solo in it for the kill. Like, just like we're at the top. And understandably, like a lot of women had to work to get to that place at the table. But now how can we extend that hand and like, lift others up with us? And I think one of the most challenging ones to do, having worked with people making under six figures and people making over like ten, 20 times over six figures, is that gap? And how can bring the feminine energy into business? Bridge that 5 to 6 figure. Gap.


Meghann Conter (00:13:39) - It has to be the same part of the paradigm shift that you go through, that you and I are so passionate about, of removing competition and believing in collaboration and watching how collaboration happens. So what's interesting about what you said is part of the unlocking of the divine feminine power is in community. Women are naturally built to be in community since the dawn of time.


Meghann Conter (00:14:06) - If you read any books that are, you know, haven't been censored, or if you can get Ahold of books of, you know, or stories of women, we came together and we supported each other and we raised families in communities. You know, it takes a village to rage. It brings a child. It takes a village to raise a business nowadays. And I think that what we get confused by is what are those divine feminine powers that were not tapping into and we instead over exert our masculine. And because there have been places where we have had to be that energy in order to be accepted and in order to be brought in, and there is a lot of reality around, like you said, the wounded sisterhood or the sisterhood wound that I even experienced in corporate, you know, women who were, instead of laying down a red carpet for each other to help each other walk across it, were instead on the ladder above, taking off their heel and smacking the other women down. And that's what a lot of us experienced if we were ever in corporate.


Meghann Conter (00:15:14) - So I think that women business owners have the most unique ability and the unique position to really be the the pioneers of this particular paradigm shift into one where women don't burn out, women don't have overwhelm because they have learned that adopting the masculine energy all the time is not the way to get there, and everyone is on their own personal journey to really understand and get deep inside to figure out what feminine energy is they're not bringing and calling to the surface. But also there is a. There's an interesting societal transformation that we're all going through. And while I'm not, this is not me saying that it's the patriarchy or it's the men or whatever. I was in a marriage where I didn't have a lot of equality or equal anything, and I started over earning my husband. Early on, and that was a big problem for us, despite the fact that he would say that it wasn't. It was a constant fight and it came up all the time. And I think that that is a change that we're going through where we're all still trying to figure out how to navigate that dance and where if we as women can talk about these real things in a safe spaces, in safe communities and really pull the cat out of the bag and let this stuff out, just same as being able to talk about things like menopause, things like raising young children with running a business.


Meghann Conter (00:16:52) - These things are challenging and haven't really been talked about for that long, maybe the last ten years if that, and they affect us all. So we're all trying to learn this new way of being, and it requires pioneers like you and me to say, okay, this is how we're going to do this. We're going to show the good and the bad. We're going to show the struggles and the triumphs, and we're going to really lay it out there because, in my opinion, leading this international community of women, if I just only show the parts where I'm all together and I'm looking perfect and my hair is done just right, and my everything is just together, and my life is just a divine synergy of perfection at all times. And I have no problems. Well, what does that do for the people who are in my community when they're having a hard time? It makes them feel like they must be nutty and off their rockers when it couldn't be further from the truth. The truth is we fall down on a regular basis, and we have to figure out how to get back up and collaborate with each other.


Kimberly Spencer (00:17:56) - And sometimes it takes your sisters holding you back up. And I know that that's one of the things I was so grateful to with the Dames where I just had last year was like this, like psychological moment of holy crap, after like and you would think it would become after something disastrous. No, but it came after manifesting our dream home and like suddenly dream realized and it felt like my whole world crumbled and a whole paradigm crumbled for me. And I think that that's something that. It was. Apparently it was an old paradigm from old limiting beliefs and old childhood. And I know exactly where it stems from.


Meghann Conter (00:18:34) - Yeah, of.


Kimberly Spencer (00:18:35) - Course. And at the same time, it's like I was so grateful to that community to say, like, I'm struggling with balancing everything and being a mom and and how I'm handling my children and how I'm navigating my own mental health and, and being able to have people that just reached out to me and, and women who just from around the world were just dropping me messages and love notes of like, I understand I've been there, like whose kids were a little older like that.


Kimberly Spencer (00:19:02) - It just was. I am so grateful to you. And for to that community of the Danes, to just be able to have held that space for me.


Meghann Conter (00:19:11) - Absolutely. And thank you for saying that, because it's the celebrating of the successes that is equally as hard, if not harder, than admitting the failures. And I've watched so many dames come to our knees from being like, I don't feel like I can tell anybody this and that. Those are some of my favorite calls. And my favorite hosts that I see in our Facebook group are those like, wow, I just did this thing that I didn't think that I could possibly do. And I'm admitting this out loud, and I have so many people celebrating me because we're not jealous of each other. We're not looking at this as, oh, I'm not that competition, man. I gotta really get ahead. A comparison. Such a thief of joy. I'm gonna just. Oh, now I've seen it. You know, Kimberly's doing so great.


Meghann Conter (00:20:00) - Now I'm just going to be rolling in my own tracks and talk about what I'm not doing. Right. That's not what the games is about. And we give each other that space to really celebrate when we do something right. And commiserate when we were like, man, this is hard. I'm in the dark, deep place. And that vulnerability in action is, I think, things that, you know, Brené Brown dreamed of 20 years ago. And she started talking about this and it's it's coming to life and it's coming to light. And I love.


Kimberly Spencer (00:20:33) - It. It is I think that the, the entire I see such a different paradigm for business owners as more women enter the entrepreneur force and grow it, because we just are realizing, like, I will literally walk around my house, I'm like, I don't know how people do this alone. Like, I don't know, like without a bookkeeper, without a housekeeper, without a like some form of like childcare support. Like I'm blessed to have my mom, but like, I literally walk her out like there is no way you can do it without support in anything these days.


Kimberly Spencer (00:21:10) - Like, I just love to look around and see how supported I, I am. And I don't think it's just me. I think if we are able to recognize. Around us just how much support we actually need, and lean on the genius sounds of others that that lifts other peoples up.


Meghann Conter (00:21:28) - And would that requires. There's so many things that that requires. But you asked me earlier, you know, how did I uncover my genius? And it's been those points along the way that have really helped me. Like when I realized that I didn't want to be all things to all people. As a marketing person, I didn't want to be running your traditional agency where I'm the chief strategist, and then I have all these other implementers, and I wanted to be a coach, and I wanted to partner with and be able to refer to these other professionals who are great in their lane. And that required me getting Uber clear on what I'm great at. So when you're thinking about those things that help you get in those pivotal moments from five figures to six figures, six figures is to mid six to high, 6 to 7 figures to 8 to 9 is the acumen and the like whittling down of what am I here to create? I'm not here to like.


Meghann Conter (00:22:27) - People have asked me why don't you start a junior days? I'm not here to get people from 5 to 6 figures. There's a lot of great organizations out there that are focused on that. I'm here in that 6 to 7 figure transition, and I believe that the more of us that can get to seven figures and start changing our realities and creating dynamic company cultures and hiring the most amazing people. Like you said, those are those moments of, wow, I'm making a real difference, and that's what I'm here for on this planet. So if everyone if all the women could take time to really say, well, yes, I have a zone of competence or a zone of incompetence to do x, y, z. It is much more in my. A favor and in the favor of others. If I surround myself with and pay others who are much better at doing certain things than I am, so that I can stay in my lane and focus on honing my craft and also not working so hard.


Meghann Conter (00:23:29) - I think I think we tend to think that if we're going to be the next breadwinners, we've almost got to like put on a mustache and go back to the 80s and start working as if we're, you know, an old 80s TV producer and we're going to sit in our office, we're going to sleep there, we're going to work day, you know, 80 hours a week. We're going back to Mad Men. And, you know, we're going to have Michigan on the side. But then it's a whole different story. We're gonna we're gonna be, you know, we're gonna have to work all these hours, and we're gonna have to. What is it? You know, work our fingers to the grindstone. And, you know, that's what causes burnout. That's what causes women to have breakdowns and overwhelm. And that's why I was saying that is not the sustainable divine feminine energy. And the sooner we can learn that, the better and the sooner that we can learn to build our businesses based on our passion and what brings us that passion and what brings us that joy and what brings us that like, yes, I'm achieving my mission.


Meghann Conter (00:24:33) - Do more of that and make sure that you have the space and the time already in your calendar, first and foremost for yourself and for your family. Because if you're doing it and I know this is cliche, but if you're doing it on an empty tank, yeah, you might coast in to some illusory made up pitstop. But jeez, you're going to have to really have some significant recharge time, which usually comes after a burnout. If you're going to get back on the road and do anything for any period of time. So it'll be better. just getting clear on what it is that we want getting and getting our businesses built around that.


Kimberly Spencer (00:25:12) - And then leaning into the, the, the choices on a day to day basis, because that's when I, because I was just having a conversation with my husband about this over lunch or I was like, I am so quick that like certain fun activities, those are the first to go. If I'm in a push week and like these past two weeks, especially in our agency, I've been in a significant push week and I'm all for the the the contractions of business of like that.


Kimberly Spencer (00:25:41) - You know, the seasons when there is, more of a like a push, like you're literally pushing a baby out to the next level, like you're elevating the income to the next level. And so I, I get it, and I'm all for it. But I was like, I realized the first thing I will just sacrifice was would be something fun, like our swing dancing classes or, like, we're going to have our guy go get licensed to ride motorcycles this weekend. And I was like, I have to figure out how to squeeze in a five hour training course within this next week. And yet. And yet. Looking at elevating to that next level of fun. I'm like, that's a non-negotiable for me because this is a goal that I've had. This is something that I've wanted to do. And so when you're in those seasons, when you're building the business to actually support your life and the lifestyle that you choose to have and the lifestyle that you say that you want. How have you not negotiated or worked yourself out of being able to receive?


Meghann Conter (00:26:43) - So I think there's a couple of things.


Meghann Conter (00:26:46) - I think that there's one principle that is crucial for us to acknowledge as women, in that we run on a 28, secondly, a 24 to 32 day cycle. We do not run in a 24 hour cycle like our male counterparts. So if we are continuing to try to run our businesses or run our lives on the. Structures that are around us. We are going to be running. It's like an inhuman design. It's like us projectors because you're a projector too, right? Oh, yeah. It's like US projectors trying to run as generators. We can do it for a period of time, but it is not sustainable for any long term. So we can get through those periods of time. But what happens to me when I ignore my natural rhythms and when I ignore the the 28 day cycle that I have put together for myself and my business? That's when I find myself being in my follicular and my ovary, or ovulation periods of time and being like, I can do that. Oh, I can do that too.


Meghann Conter (00:27:58) - Oh yes, I'm going to say yes to that, and I'm going to say yes to that. And then I get into my luteal phase when I actually have to deliver it. And I'm like, what in the hell was I thinking? Well, a big part of that is really understand saying that as women we are cyclical beings and, you know, understanding is half the battle, but then blocking time and then adhering to that blocked time. So it's from a tangible perspective. It's about really maybe getting some understanding. Do less is one of my favorite books by Kate Northrup, and that's where I learned a lot of this. And it's extremely simple to organize your month in that regard, having some room for flexibility, because of course, those of us who are going through perimenopause, we might have that erratic schedule as it is, or maybe those who have a small children like you or having, you know, different changes and challenges. And then women who are past their moon cycles can follow the moon.


Meghann Conter (00:28:58) - But the point is knowing ourselves and knowing our natural rhythms, and that requires stopping, slowing down and really getting in tune with who we are. And when we have a lot of energy and when we don't. And honoring our schedules as such. I think what women really forget to look at, especially when we're technicians and not actual, like serial entrepreneurs who really understand the art of business and buy and then sell, you know, multi eight figure businesses, which is not most of us. We are technicians that started a business because we were passionate about something. And then we had realized, oh gosh, if I'm really going to grow a 7 or 8 figure business, I actually have to know what I'm doing with finance. I have to know what I'm doing with HR. I have to know what I'm doing with all these different counterparts. So we've got to not only budget time for ourselves, for our cycles, but also, oh yeah, I need to meet with my bookkeeper to make sure that we go over all the transactions and make sure that everything is categorized properly.


Meghann Conter (00:29:59) - And I need to make sure that I'm making time to meet with XYZ, who's on my team to. So the whole thing is really be looking at yourself and how don't set your goals and your aspirations based on some comparison that you've got, or some illusory pie in the sky situation. Be real with yourself. Like okay, at best I might have ten hours a week to work on my business, and it's going to require that I do that for four years in order to get to this next point. So instead of saying that I'm going to create 100 times leap this year, I'm going to instead plan in a way that makes me be able to be receptive, be able to guide through my intuition, which is very feminine and gives myself space to create just for the sake of creating and to be in my geniuses of ideation or whatever it is that you're that you are, or us, you know, projectors being guides instead of and waiting for that day invitation and whatever that look like. So there's so many layers upon layers, and it's like for anyone to think that they have a formula that you can just plug yourself into.


Meghann Conter (00:31:20) - Yeah. It doesn't exist that way.


Kimberly Spencer (00:31:22) - It doesn't, it doesn't. In fact this was the year that I was like I am mixing and not working with anybody specifically and taking this entire year to learn to just do an experiment and trust my own intuitive flow and let you know how it goes in December. Yeah, but so far, like it's going really well. Just learning how to trust that in your own innate flow for how you do business life your own way. And that also is like being aware of these other modalities, being aware of like astrology, human design, your natural, menstrual flow and these things, but also not letting those things control you because like, I may be a projector, but I got Taurus in my 10th house and it was a ball for my career. And so there's a different level of energy for every single human being and really learning to come back to the body and trust that body. How did you generate your own intuition? You are such an intuitive human being, business owner, and I am.


Kimberly Spencer (00:32:36) - I think part of that is natural, but I think part of it also came with practice. And so yeah.


Meghann Conter (00:32:41) - A ton of practice. So I believe that the universe always puts us in certain places at certain times to give us those pivotal moments of decision. And I just I ran into the topic of intuition at the absolute right time when I was ready for it. And it was about, you know, gosh, what is it at this time? Like 13 ish years ago when I was like kind of in a rebirth place, like, I need new friends, I need new community, I need new everything. Because what I'm doing here, it doesn't bring me a lot of joy and satisfaction. And, what I didn't know is that I needed to quit drinking, but that's, you know, that's something I found out down the line. But what I did start tapping into was this community of conscious people here in Denver. And there were a lot of, you know, early form groups that I just jumped in and went at dove in head first with.


Meghann Conter (00:33:38) - And I had this amazing opportunity to go and work for one of my still favorite people in the whole world, Rick Zimmerman, who is a consciousness leader around the globe. And, I took a job to do her social media while I was building my business, and it gave me this PhD level in consciousness and in getting into self-love and in really getting in tune with your own intuition and how it speaks to you and how you can trust it and give me such a great practice, practice playground to have that be a guiding light for me. And what my intuition started showing me in the way that she teaches things is like your intuition is going to tell you things that you're like, are you crazy? So after I had my final, not my final, my first vision of like 2017, of what the dreams would look like on an international scale, closely followed by you need to quit drinking because that's the big block that's in your way, which I did, closely followed by now you need to figure out how to get some back in your life and your business, because you've been hanging on by a fingernail for the last several years, and we've known that you've needed to kind of get your work, your kinks out here.


Meghann Conter (00:35:00) - But it's time. And so 2018, I did a year long improv program. And because I was always telling myself, you and I know this, we talk about this before games roundtables like we have this theatrical part of ourselves, we cannot help it. But to really get excited and to just want to play and to get out there and to have different accents. And I'm like, how the heck am I going to bring that into my marketing business? And people are going to think I'm a nut job. And so I did this whole year of improv, and what I realized was, oh man, I love this sketch comedy thing, and I love coming up with characters. And so I got to spend all of 2019 then incubating on how do I use these characters to build and teach through the dames, teach these different networking concepts, teach community building concepts, and then teach business building concepts and personal growth concepts. And I've just gotten to like, allowing myself to close my marketing business and to do what I truly wanted, which is still and will always be, to guide this community of visionaries and pioneers and epic world Transformers called the Dames to their next best level and beyond.


Meghann Conter (00:36:16) - The big thing for me was okay, edutainment. That's where the fun is for me. That's where I get to bring out all of my creativity in such a cool ways, and develop characters that can teach lessons. And people listen when there's an accent that comes in, you know, it's just that's what happens. You just stop, let it stop. You just say, oh my God, I really understand what she's saying, and I want to hear what she's going to say next, because she just came out with some truth bombs. And while the truth bombs can be delivered by Meghann Conter, they can also get delivered by all these different characters. And then people remember them, by golly, they remember them.


Kimberly Spencer (00:36:51) - And it's always like that, right? I don't remember the name, but oh my gosh, you in that gray wig and just teaching green.


Meghann Conter (00:37:00) - And that's network and Billy Honey. And it's been around since the dawn of time. She's the creator of the power potluck process. She knows exactly what we need in order to grow businesses, just like we grew communities back in the old days.


Meghann Conter (00:37:15) - Honey. I mean, it is the.


Kimberly Spencer (00:37:19) - Joy of bringing that. And you are the, the, the second person in two days that I've had a conversation about the power of improvisational improvisational comedy, and I studied improv, I did I was a part of a touring improv group in my teens and played at the L.A. improv and all that. And like The Power of Yes, and I think is actually what runs the universe.


Meghann Conter (00:37:43) - Oh, that totally does. That's just.


Kimberly Spencer (00:37:44) - My hypothesis. Is this paradox of like, accepting what is and then choosing to to flow with it.


Meghann Conter (00:37:52) - Where are you going to find the gift? And how are you going to give your teammates the gift? And I think that that's the the cure that we we set out to talk about here on this podcast was how do we integrate fun in. And for me, what I think I discovered was it wasn't going to be shoehorned into my business. It wasn't going to be like something that I could wedge in there, because I discovered that fun was my top value.


Meghann Conter (00:38:16) - While I was running my marketing business. And I'm like, man, I don't know how to deliver this. In my very serious sessions where we're working and uncovering a lot of things. And so that's where the names events started to come out as this place where I could play and I could have comedians and I could start to bring out that theatrical side of myself and get comfortable with it. And now it's like, man, if I could just figure out a way to do that 24 over seven, which is what I'm doing. Amen. Amen.


Kimberly Spencer (00:38:46) - Have you read the 15 Commandments of Conscious Leadership?


Meghann Conter (00:38:49) - Not yet.


Kimberly Spencer (00:38:50) - Oh, they have a chapter dedicated to play. And, when I it's one of the commitments. And when my mentor and now dear friend Theresa Shirai recommended that she. She grew a business from 0 to 30 million in three years. And that was one of the top books she recommended. And I said, okay, I'm reading this. And it was like fun. And I was like, I back in 2019, I was like, how do I have fun? I had like a I had a toddler at the time.


Meghann Conter (00:39:16) - Yeah.


Kimberly Spencer (00:39:16) - And a fast growing business. And I was right at that almost six figure level. And it was like there was hard and it was like, how do I do more and and all that. And I was like, bring more fun. And I've had to realize how I play. Yeah. As husband says, my form of play is absolutely insane because I like to do really challenging physical things. And he's like, he's all for it. He'll be there at the finish line, but he's like, you're crazy. Because I would like, would run a marathon with like no training and just, yeah, let's give it a go. Have a baby. Naturally. Like, these are my fun, weird forms of play. Some may call it sadism. That's my form of play. It is, it is. We all have our kinks.


Meghann Conter (00:39:55) - And you figured it out. You figured out that yours is through body. My through voice. Mine is through. Like just embodying some other character and going into that.


Meghann Conter (00:40:05) - And it's like you start to figure it out. Just like you figure out anything else, right? How do you. I don't like riding bikes. Why is that? I like riding skateboards or I don't like Reddit. You just play with different things. And like our, our good friend Annette Reardon wouldn't say like women. In order to be the paradigm shifters that we are, we need to unlock our creativity and play. And that's going to be different for different people. For her, it's through art. It's through that creative expression of power. What do you call it? Paintbrush to canvas. And it's through. It's through that demonstration. For others, it's through stand up comedy and getting up there. And for some reason, I don't understand it scaring themselves pupils up on stage. You know, it's not one that I'm ready for, but we all have to figure out what that form of play is. And that is really a comforting stretch of our comfort zone, I think.


Kimberly Spencer (00:41:06) - Yeah, for me it was it's it's physical and it's also shows like it's, you know.


Meghann Conter (00:41:11) - Oh yeah.


Kimberly Spencer (00:41:12) - And and that, that play that can come through through shows and like seeing. So when I discovered that like I am I also took this principle and I applied it to my parents and where I'm like, I'm not a mom to just like, we're just going to sit here and watch TV together. I'm like, Like, I'll do it like, I love, I love a movie and I like once a week, but I like to go outside and like, go like run and get on the scooters and then play in that way. And when I realize that's my my mom's in my best light. I think we all have a genius son for every role that we play in every one of the relationships that we have. Yeah. And so I know you weren't always playful like a parent, which is shocking to me because I've only known you as playful. But, when, when did you have that stick up your ass?


Meghann Conter (00:41:59) - And I thought that I had to be that stick up my ass type person in order to be taken seriously.


Meghann Conter (00:42:06) - It was corporate America that created that. Like, I couldn't be feminine in any way, shape or form. In fact, the quieter I was and the more that I could just stay in my. Doing what I was told to be doing the better. Which, as you can imagine, as a theatrical performer by nature, you try to put me in the corner and you better watch out, because I'm going to become a new art. You're not going to.


Kimberly Spencer (00:42:29) - Put baby in.


Meghann Conter (00:42:30) - A corner. That's right. You're not going to be able to contain me for long, people. So I really I lashed out through coping mechanisms. And I think a lot of people do. And that might be overeating, that might be drinking, that might be a workaholism, that might be who knows? It can be so many different things. And I realized like, oh yeah, I'm I'm relying on my social life and getting these little dopamine hits from going out and hanging out with friends and partying and living the life that I had been living when I was in my 20s.


Meghann Conter (00:43:08) - And it's just because I was so uncomfortable in that corporate setting, and it was so not me. And then when I got into business for myself, it was like, okay, I feel like I'm actually preneur. But then it took me more years to figure out who I really was. And during that time, I still was like, there's nobody that's going to take me seriously if I show up in a wig and, you know, whatever. Like that's that's not what's going to happen. So I still went through more years of painful trying to make myself look like something that I'm not until I woke up that in 2017 was like, nope, I gotta I gotta get this out of me and it's got to be out of me at all times. That performer, as my unique ability, one of my unique abilities, has to be on stage, whether that's in a video or whether that's on a true stage. She has to be out there giving her gifts and teaching things and creating transformation through entertainment.


Meghann Conter (00:44:06) - So we all have to find our thing and there's a journey to get there. But once you figure it out, don't stop. You know you're going to have those imposter syndrome moments that pop up and are like, really? This is what you're going to do. And. You know, if you need any other of us people who embody and believe in and performance to give you a thumbs up and say, yes, you can do this, you find us, you know we're out here. It's the Kimberly's and the Meghann's of the world. It's us performers who you're going to find doing the coolest things and having fun on social media presence. And we. Because we have found that. And we know that that is just as important as the nitty gritty. Getting down to the transformational turbulence and the going through the eyes of needles and all those things are equally as important as being your fullest expression of your playful self, whatever that looks like for you.


Kimberly Spencer (00:45:07) - I love what you said about how corporate America pop that stick up there, because I experience a similar experience of just like the playful side, the feminine side, when I had my e-commerce company like that had to be so, so buttoned up in fact, and then got through back in my face thanks to lawyers.


Kimberly Spencer (00:45:27) - yeah. They say the nicest things.


Meghann Conter (00:45:30) - Are all the.


Kimberly Spencer (00:45:31) - Time. All the time when you're paying them. They say really nice things. when they're on the other side, not so much. And in that, in that experience, you know, it really allowed me to look at like, what? What do I define to be professionalism. Because so often we think that play is the polar opposite of professionalism. And I don't think that's necessarily the case. So how do you define being a professional businesswoman running a successful business? How do you define that? What is professionalism?


Meghann Conter (00:46:09) - Oh, man. If there is a word that I could eradicate from. I don't even know where to go with that, because it's it's not a top value of mine. It's for me, it would be self-expression, like a blind self-expression. Because for some people, that does look like a very buttoned up approach where they feel like they're totally in alignment with themselves when they're serious and they're. You know that there there are some people that are like that.


Meghann Conter (00:46:44) - But I think that most people that put on that facade are dying inside in some way, shape or form because they're like, this isn't who I truly am. And this face that I'm having to present in my corporate job or even in my business in order to be taken seriously or in order to be X, Y, z, whatever, to get the contract to get the deed to. I just have had too many awarenesses in my spiritual practice to see that that's not what I'm here for. I've had too many total visualizations of my joy coming in this lifetime, from being on stage, from being different characters, from being the wholeness of me, which is a personal and a professional blend that sometimes falls and needs to cry on screen and then other times is is exuberant and is full of different. Different ideas, and I think that we have to figure out what our what our values are. And I don't mean that in such a like it's not just do your five top values exercise, lady. It's not.


Meghann Conter (00:47:57) - It's truly figuring out how to embody that in your own unique and genuine way, because that is what will bring you that joy. That is what will bring you safety in play whenever that play looks like. And again, it's not for some, it's not getting up and performing in front of people. It's having that play in the safety of your own home through art, or it's having that play in some other way, shape or form. But the idea that professionalism has to look a certain way is what limits so many of us. And I think it goes back to what we were talking about at the beginning of this interview of like, you know, we feel like we have to wear our woman's suit and just blend in and look like a man with long hair and somehow blend into this mold that's been created when the real women who are going to make history and who are going to shift these paradigms and break out of those molds, don't look anything like. A man dressed with a wig in a suit.


Meghann Conter (00:48:59) - Does that make any sense?


Kimberly Spencer (00:49:01) - Yes, it does in the visuals. Spot on.


Meghann Conter (00:49:04) - Spot on.


Kimberly Spencer (00:49:05) - Spot on. I think professional, being professional. There are attributes like showing up on time, respecting other people's, you know, time. But beyond that, like how you express yourself in your business, I don't think that has any connotation of professionalism or not. Like, I do think that there, you know, there's a whole concept of like cursing versus not. I know the dame's is the best place to drop a dick joke and.


Meghann Conter (00:49:33) - A laugh bomb and an.


Kimberly Spencer (00:49:34) - F-bomb when appropriate, like everybody needs an appropriately place. Just from I agree 100%.


Meghann Conter (00:49:40) - Yes. No. I'm surprised we've gotten this far without even having a thought until right now. You know, sometimes it just happens.


Kimberly Spencer (00:49:46) - Like, sometimes you just it's a spontaneous fuck and it just hasn't happened when it happened.


Meghann Conter (00:49:50) - Just like Smurf pops out at different times and all different kinds of articles. Noun, verb. Adjective. Adverb. Perfect participle.


Meghann Conter (00:50:02) - Exactly. You know, far more grammar grammatical terms than I am aware, only because I'm fluent in French. Otherwise I would have no idea.


Kimberly Spencer (00:50:11) - Oh, true. to the the power of that of having professional habits, but not necessarily having it be an identity of this is who I have to be. Because then in that space we're shooting ourselves, and no one likes to go through life or business, and it doesn't feel very freeing or liberating to have a should all over you while you are, you know, pursuing your passions.


Meghann Conter (00:50:36) - Right? And I guess where, you know, I, I get caught up is when we have certain values that just sound like they're like, I had to have this. Yeah. You know, professionalism is one of my values. Like, does that mean, like, what does that truly mean? How do you embody being professional? That's in a way that is a true value. A value is something that you use as a decision and making tool. Is it something you should do or is it not? The only way to know that is if it's truly in alignment deeply with that value? And if you don't know what what it means to you, what love means to you, what intuition means to you, what impact and growth mean to you, those are mine, then you can't really run it as a litmus test.


Meghann Conter (00:51:28) - It's it's like the throw out. I hate to say it, but the throw out that almost every single financial services firm on the planet has integrity as one of their values. Unlike No Shit. Like, go a little deeper. What does that mean? What is the what is beneath that? And what is beneath that? And what's beneath that? Because truly, it's like I could say growth. But what does growth mean to me if I'm not, if my comfort zone isn't being expanded on a regular basis, if I am not growing in like doing the kinds of personal growth work that I love and that I thrive in, if I'm not enjoying myself more every single quarter, if I'm not achieving these different things that are part of my litmus test to whether I'm living in growth or not, then how do I know that I'm actually living in my values? And if you can't say that with all of your values, then go back to the drawing board and see if they're the right words.


Kimberly Spencer (00:52:27) - So true.


Kimberly Spencer (00:52:28) - So true. I think the, Being able to look at what are the values, the presupposed values that society has said you should have or that you know, you do on a one day personal retreat seminar and you're like, well, here are my top five values versus the deepening. So what's the litmus test that you have to really assess. Is this values still applicable to how I'm making decisions in my life in business.


Meghann Conter (00:52:53) - Is it still applicable? I think that as we grow as business owners and I ad team. It expands and changes because now it's not only my values, but it's also the values of the company that we have to run things through. So there are values of the games that we have that we've run all the big decisions through. Does this mash all of our four core values or does it not? And if it doesn't, then okay, well, is it just because something needs to be tweaked, or is it because it's truly not an alignment or, you know, where is that going? Because it's not just me, it's me and my team now and then.


Meghann Conter (00:53:35) - Also, if it is something that I'm going to be involved in or that's part of my role, is it something that is truly in alignment with me and my personal values? So it's values and vision and mission and all of it are not just something that you figure out one time and then, okay, I've got it. It's written on a book. It's somewhere over there on my bookshelf, and I could find it if I needed to. But that's not living in your values. That's not living in your vision or your mission. It's do you have these things out in front of you all the time, and is it helping you make those decisions? So, for instance, trading high stress for high caliber is one of our top values. So when I'm looking at okay, Kimberly and I run our did our digital virtual roundtables. These changes that I'm making, is it making it easier or is it making it more complex? It's making it easier. Great. It's making it more scalable. Great.


Meghann Conter (00:54:35) - Then it passes the test. But if I were to come up with a change and I'm adding all these layers of complexity, that's not trading high stress for high caliber, that's creating more complexity. you know, collaborating fearlessly. If I am being presented with an opportunity to work with someone, is is it truly a collaboration that we are creating? Do we have each other's best interests in mind? And is what I do for them? And what they do for me isn't going to mutually lift us up. And it is this song that I truly want to collaborate with, that I want to put my name on the line for, because I feel that we can really support each other and, you know, to go back to what you were saying earlier, it's like we need to be judicious and deliberate with where we say our yeses and where we say our no's as we grow and our values have to be that siphon of, okay, is this my this my tendency as a Enneagram seven to say yes to this thing? Or is this going to allow me to continue to grow toward our epic mission? Is this going to make the boat go faster toward seven figures for me? And all of my members know it's going to slow it down, then I can't do it.


Meghann Conter (00:55:54) - And then another one of our values is get out of serious. So that's obviously the fun one. So are we always creating some element in our business, whether that's at the fun front, whether that's in our virtual events, whether that's in our in-person events, that is helping women have fun, and for one freaking moment or ten minutes to put down the seriousness and let their hair out of their ponytail, their high held ponytail, and really be in the moment and let yourself laugh and let yourself just let go and feel that space of like, total presence, of laughter in that space of freedom that comes from just unclench our sphincters for ten minutes.


Kimberly Spencer (00:56:41) - And then remove that all.


Meghann Conter (00:56:43) - Yes. And then our one last, one last value that we have is evolving in broad daylight. And this is that space that you and I have kind of touched on already about vulnerability. And what does it look like to be a CEO who's willing to show the bruises and the bumps, as well as the victories, and who's willing to really shout from the rooftops, the victories and to say, at least with their shared, you know, dames pod be like, hey, I just need to really celebrate this with somebody, and I don't need it to be heard across all the social media platforms.


Meghann Conter (00:57:17) - Maybe. But I really need for this safe group that I've created to celebrate, like you did last year, and how you saw all that support coming in and how beautiful it is for all of us to witness that and how we really when we when we do that, we're like, man, I need to celebrate my wins more. Because look at how fun it is to be like, yes, Kimberly, well done.


Kimberly Spencer (00:57:41) - That was one of my favorite changes that we made to the roundtable was having that moment of celebration and acknowledgement for every woman who comes on to those round tables, because they are in the top 15% of business women, and that is not celebrated like I remember the moment when I hit six figures. And it was this, like hit that felt like, I like if my husband was like, he'd never done that. Like, I did that and like it was such a moment for me. That was just I had to really honor it. And I was so excited, and I was so excited because I got to join the dames.


Kimberly Spencer (00:58:16) - Yeah, because that was one of my one of my goals to be was to be able to be there, to do that, I think. And I love that the collaboration and that value that's placed in the dames and how high that is. And I think what I'd love to dive into real quick is, is what is a collaboration. Because so many people, a lot of people or women will have a perception that a collaboration is not necessarily transactional, where, you know, it's not services or services being rendered or that the collaboration is, you know, oh, you're helping me, I'm helping you, or just not getting paid. so I think that a collaboration can have a whole rainbow of options. Yeah. So what is a collaboration in your definition, and how do we form the best ones that are for our highest and best intention?


Meghann Conter (00:59:07) - I think it really does matter where you are in your the stage of business that you're in, and the stage of your own professional growth and life that you're in.


Meghann Conter (00:59:16) - So if you are, we'll talk about like the situations of your own personal life in a second. But when you're in a business and you're really growing in those initial stages of 100 K to 250 K ish, chances are and you are needing to collaborate to really increase your footprint. So you and I are doing something where we can put it out there to the world, and we have twice as many people that can get exposure to us. Or if we use our power partners, ten times as many people who can get exposure to us to list, build, to be able to sell some kind of a collaborative author offer that we've come up with to even say, okay, well, wow, you and I share the same target audience, and I've got this workshop coming up, and then two months later, you've got this other thing that you're launching. Let's cross promote for each other or have really gotten to know. I'm a CMO and I've really gotten to know this co well, and I've witnessed the work that she does with her clients, and my clients really need that.


Meghann Conter (01:00:18) - So once they're done and going through my CMO program, I'm going to refer them to these people because they need to go and get their operations in check next. So those are some examples of some collaborations that tend to happen when you're at the in those newer stages of growth. And then when you're really catapulting past that 250 K line, which is about 6% of women owned business owners that get to that point, you are starting to look at things like, okay, I'm recognizing that I need to hire a CFO to help me with my next jump in money because I don't know cash flow management. I don't really know how to budget. So I'm going to hire people for that. And I feel like I'm not at that point where I'm really needing to do a lot of these other collaborative things that are I did when I was in an earlier stage, but now I'm like, gosh, I just want to be able to get on a call with somebody who's been through this thing that I'm going through right now and ask, what were the pitfalls that they hit or that I should avoid, or what are some key pieces of guidance that I could use as I'm getting to go to that next level in the legal aspects of my business or the, you know, I'm launching this new program.


Meghann Conter (01:01:28) - And do you have any pieces of information for me or, gosh, I'm making a total shift in my business and I have a new target audience. Who can I collaborate with to help me do a focus group to really figure out what's next? Who is willing to review the sales page copy with me? And I have this incredible talent in looking at the data of your podcast, and I would love to gift you, you know me giving you some ins and outs. The collaborations become a lot different and becomes, all right, who else is at my level that can see me? Tete a tete and can say, actually, have you thought about it from this angle, or have you thought about it from that angle? And so it requires us to put on our big girl pants and say, okay, I know what my zone is and I know what my lane is, and I'd really love other women to be able to think tank this with and problem solve this with in lightspeed so that I don't get stuck on this problem for the next three months, or have to join about a $300,000 mastermind in order to solve these problems.


Meghann Conter (01:02:28) - So basically they happen differently in different stages.


Kimberly Spencer (01:02:33) - I think that that's one of the beautiful things about the dames and, and the strategic matchmaking that you provide and is being able to look at like where the business is at and then what is the next, those next people to grow. So because you may be doing all the right things to grow your business, but if they're not in the right order, it can completely throw your business for a loop and cause extra chaos. Extra stuff, extra unnecessary treading water. Rather than being able to actually grow and expand for sure.


Meghann Conter (01:03:03) - And can make you feel like a nutcase to true because you're like, I swear I'm, I swear I think I'm doing this right, but I just don't understand why. Yeah, it's like the truth of the matter is we all have blind spots, and even if we're lucky enough to have a kick ass business partner, that's our husband who can, you know, see things that we can't, or another. Another woman, another whatever doesn't matter.


Meghann Conter (01:03:27) - Or a key leader in our teams. Having outside eyes is always invaluable. But it is so crucial because we don't see our blind spots when we're in it every day. We just don't.


Kimberly Spencer (01:03:40) - Yeah. And it's. The best to be able to see, and even your team can provide that like that scope. I mean, my gosh, when my team gave me feedback when I meet with them. Semi-annually to saline. Okay. How can I improve as a leader? What do I need to. Oh, last year, because it was rough, I had to learn how to show up differently for them, because I just was in a different place of of growth and expansion and also how to have a level of deep care, which is one of the things that you are so good at. And it's something that I think is as you go along in business, I know for me it was something that I kind of got scared away from for a little bit because it just it felt almost easier not to when you lead with such an open heart.


Kimberly Spencer (01:04:34) - And I've always admire that about your leadership and the care for people to see you as you are, and the deep care that you have for others and how you support them in growing. And it's it's a value that I truly, deeply admire from you.


Meghann Conter (01:04:49) - Thank you, thank you. And that's the love that I have for humanity and in my human design chart. And like my purpose and all of my charts and stars and everything has to be this transporter of love. And there are some people that can't handle that. And it's okay. I love them just as much, and it's one of my favorite things to do when we're at Fun Friends or when we're at any of our in-person events. And I just get to hug someone and transform them in that space of total acceptance. And just like I know it's been hard, and I just want you to know, I see you and I'm here for you and you're doing a great job. You know, don't don't lose steam. Don't lose that beautiful vision of yours.


Meghann Conter (01:05:40) - But if you need to slow down, it's okay to slow down. And if you need extra hugs, come to the dance. Or high fives or high fives.


Kimberly Spencer (01:05:49) - High fives work too. Meghann, I have loved our conversation so much and I would love to pivot into just a little bit of a rapid fire. To wrap this.


Meghann Conter (01:05:58) - Up, let's do it down.


Kimberly Spencer (01:06:00) - Down. Who is your favorite female character in a book or a movie and why?


Meghann Conter (01:06:05) - Oh man, I just love Michelle Obama's books and I love her style and her ability to. She's not a character, so I'm totally in this. I make my own rules, but just her ability to, toe the line between fierce. Intelligent, brilliant woman. And the soft, supple like she's divine feminine. In my in my viewpoint. Like when I read what she writes and I read her words, she's just got it. And that's what I aspire to be. Is this like this good mix of divine, feminine and masculine? And.


Meghann Conter (01:06:47) - Yeah, I mean, I got to say that.


Kimberly Spencer (01:06:50) - What woman would you want to trade places with, alive or alive, in her time? In any time in history? To see as she experienced the world just for a day.


Meghann Conter (01:07:00) - Not a famous one, but just like I'd love to go back into, for some reason the Roaring 20s has always been a period of time. That's very fascinating to me. So I just want to go and be like a carefree, rich woman in the 1980s. Like, I don't know, it just be interesting to me to be like, what did that feel like? Great Gatsby.


Kimberly Spencer (01:07:23) - Yeah.


Meghann Conter (01:07:24) - Yeah, yeah, I want to be one of Gatsby's people, whatever you'd call it. Cronies, I love.


Meghann Conter (01:07:32) - It. What? It was groupies. Yeah.


Kimberly Spencer (01:07:34) - What? What is your morning routine to set you up for success?


Meghann Conter (01:07:38) - I always have some form of exercise. Well, whether it's outside, going outside for a walk or doing weight training and those, that's pretty much non-negotiable.


Meghann Conter (01:07:49) - Eating healthy. I am a variety seeker, so I have like a box of ideas that I pull from a lot of times. Sometimes I'll be listening to, you know, audible to a really great personal growth book. Sometimes I'll be sitting in meditation, sometimes I'll visualize, sometimes I'll journal, sometimes I'll do a little bit of creative, creative thought. But for me, it's that having the variety that is the spice of life. Sometimes it's talking to a friend and like this morning, I get to just call a friend and talk to her for an hour. And that was like, that was so fun for me. That connection. so it's that ability to have my freedom of choice and what it is that I want to do to start off my day, depending on how I'm feeling.


Kimberly Spencer (01:08:32) - How do you set yourself up for a successful morning? What's your night routine?


Meghann Conter (01:08:37) - Night routine is I go to bed by about 815, 830, and as long as I'm in bed at that time, I am set because then I can go fall asleep by about eight 3845.


Meghann Conter (01:08:50) - And I get up at about five and I rock and roll. So it's it's about getting off screens and getting either with my book or just going straight to bed early enough. And it's my natural rhythm.


Kimberly Spencer (01:09:04) - What do you define to be your queendom?


Meghann Conter (01:09:06) - My queendom is everybody that I come into touch with, and as long as they can feel more empowered after they've been with me, I have done my bit. And as long as they didn't feel more loved to. One minute.


Kimberly Spencer (01:09:23) - How do you crown yourself?


Meghann Conter (01:09:26) - It's through the performances that I create, and it's through that ability to really stand on stage, whether that be by facilitating something online or by facilitating something in-person, creating that transformational experience. It's that stepping into my divine self and making sure that that's part of that transformation that I create on a weekly basis. It reminds me of the Queen that I am.


Kimberly Spencer (01:09:54) - And Meghann, how do we find you? How do we work with you? How do we jump in on the roundtables and see us both?


Meghann Conter (01:10:02) - Yes.


Meghann Conter (01:10:03) - See, you and I and our Gloria and our accents and our.


Kimberly Spencer (01:10:07) - Glory and.


Meghann Conter (01:10:08) - Dance and pull out. That's right, that's right. There's a couple different ways. If you want to connect with me as a person, you can come to, Instagram or Facebook and look for Meghann, Meghann Conter, and you'll find that in the show notes, because I have a funny Irish spelling of my name. You know, that was a terrible Irish accent. And if you are a woman running or leading a six, 7 or 8 figure business, or you're in a director or higher role of a large organization and you are impact driven, you are somebody who loves a good time, loves to have laughter in your life, and really wants to not only grow professionally, but recognizes that personal growth is that that driving force and you're a vulnerable soul. Come to the games Co forward slash roundtable. Come check us out. You get to meet me and Kimberly and really see what we're about. Or if you're someone who just is like yes, you already sold me on it, you can go to the games Co forward slash apply and submit that application.


Meghann Conter (01:11:15) - And Kimberly, I just want to take a moment to shine the light back on you and say thank you for being such a fabulous podcast host, for using your intuition to guide, for flipping the script and always just following that knowing because it creates dynamic podcasts and you do it with everything. So thank you.

Kimberly Spencer (01:11:37) - Thank you so much. As always, my fellow sovereigns, own your throne. Mind your business because your reign is now.

Kimberly Spencer (01:11:45) - Thank you so much for tuning in today. If what you heard resonated with you, be sure to subscribe and start creating a bigger impact now by sharing this with a friend. Just by doing that one simple act of kindness, you are creating a royal ripple to support more people in their sovereignty. And if you're not already following on social media, connect with me everywhere at Crown Yourself Now for more inspiration. I am so excited to connect with you in the next episode, and in the meantime, go out there and create a body, business and life that rules because today you crown yourself.

The Crown Yourself Podcast is a fast-growing self-improvement podcast, ranked in the top #200 personal-development podcasts in two countries, so far,  out of 4.5 million podcasts. Each week, you get the conscious leadership strategies you need to help you reign with courage, clarity, and confidence so that you too can make the income and impact you deserve. Imagine this podcast as your royal invitation to step into your full potential and reign in your divine purpose. To listen to any of the past episodes for free, check out this page.


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